Sunday, February 28, 2010

My comments in reply to N Kristof in NY Times' today

I take exception with N Kristof on several issues including health care. This topic of how Christianity impacts the world is very relevant. It is Christians who helped save some of he Jews from annihilation during Nazi Germany's annihilation efforts. It is Christians who
care enough and who believe that there is a hell,
and don't want anyone to go there. Christians don't want total strangers to go to hell and suffer
torment for eternity. Secular atheists on the other hand try to cause as many as possible to be dispatched into eternity without GOD. And Christians are motivated by the Word of GOD that
there is a heaven and there is a hell, heaven for believers and hell for those who reject GOD.
As for the use of Kristof's column to promote homosexuality, I am opposed to the legaliization
of homosexuality for these reasons: 1) GOD said it is abomination in Leviticus 18:22 and in
Romans chapter one [I read the King James Holy Bible], 2) it is medically devastating causing
AIDS and rectal tears and incompetent sphincters and a sequaelae of medical events for years,
3) it is perverse, unnatural, ungodly. It involves men putting their male member into the
backsides of other men and that spot on them has a different natural function not designed
to receive that; and by doing that they acquire fecal matter and bacteria that swims upstream
into blood supply. 4) If the nation legalized it and as so-called legal it became more
acceptable the nation would cease to exist because it would depopulate, and because GOD would
destroy it.
Christians and I speak for myself, as Christian since age of seven, feel a duty to 'evangelize'
to tell others what GOD has told us either through the Bible or directly via prayer.
We believe that JESUS is the way, the truth and the life and that no one gets to heaven
except by accepting JESUS as the promised Messiah, Redeemer. Because JESUS Himself said to go
and teach all nations what I have commanded you [paraphrase of Matthew 28 :18-20] we consider
it a direct commandmet from GOD to teach the Scriptures. Therefore no matter how long the NY
Times or any other government controlled entity tries to prevent us, we true believers will not
forsake the teaching of the Bible, nor the obedience to the Words/ Commandments of GOD.
Persecution and harassment is as old as time itself, and even JESUS HIMSELF was crucified
for challenging the Roman empire that was smashing in the heads of infants to save Caesar's
place in history [they thought]. Persecution does not stop Christians. It empowers them
because then they have to seek GOD's help and GOD's plan to go forward and when they do that,
and when they are obedient to the words of GOD, the world is turned upside down.
With only 12 disciples JESUS changed history. He even changed the recording of time to BC
and AD. He changed the eternal perspective by saying it is what is in one's heart that determines
if that one goes to heaven or to hell. He changed the expectations to love your enemy, care
whether or not your enemy goes to heaven or to hell, and to 'feed my sheep', and to 'raise
the dead'.
In the US particularly, the present health care debate is not about raising the dead at all
but dispatching them to hell early on in their disease. It is about deliberately murdering
innocent humans in the womb [abortion]. It is about giving massive doses of legally recognized

by US FDA and NIH, and Medicare/caid agencies drugs, to cause one to cease breathing and have
what is then labeled spontanous cardiac arrest, but of course was drug-induced death. The
so-called Obama plan of death delivery must be defeated, and that is one of my goals as a
Christian. This nation must NEVER legalize abortion in any way, with any sleight of hand tricks,
or with any trick wording. Obams'a fake reform is trying to redefine medical killing as the
duty of the nation and as such, it is totally unacceptable to any true Christian.
This discussion is about Christians, what they believe and why they believe it and I write for
myself. I am Christian and I will never apologize for the words of JESUS or of GOD the FATHER
as spoken in the Old Testament, and I will NEVER apologize for doing what GOD commanded of
teaching the scriptures and commandments or of adhering to the Commandments or of publishing
the WORD of GOD [Bible.]
When the NY Times and other liberal rags start apologizing to the Christians for illegal
censorship, trying to discredit them publicly, making fun of their beliefs, labeling them as
nuts or their many efforts to stifle, prevent, hinder Christians from communicating with the
readers of NY and elsewhere, then this nation might have a future.
Christianity will not go away. The Christians who truly believe will go to heaven and those
who mock and defy GOD will go to hell. That it is the Bible. And homosexuals will also go to
hell because they mock and defy GOD's words in Genesis 1:26-28. They are wrong. Gloria Poole, R.N.
11:18 AM 2/28/2010
These are my comments that I added to the so-called public forum on the NY Times that was censored by the NY Times for not being 'politically correct" [in their opinion]. But I am more concerned with pleasing GOD than pleasing them, so I am posting these comments of mine in several places to make sure the world knows I oppose sodomy and I especially oppose thinly disguised attempts by paid staffers to write op-ed pieces promoting sin. I wrote these comments and I added them in several places including

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cybercriminal Terrorist Pro-deathers at it again.

The prodeathers in the US Congress have tried all day long to hack into /break into my computer. They should all be in prison,and GOD willing they will be. Eventually the good people of the US will win and the bad people will be hung for crimes of treason against the nation and their plan to depopulate the nation to reduce it to a third world nation behind the Arabic nations and the Latino nations in population and power.
They have stolen passwords,hacked into /broke into my computer by stealing passwords and using stolen identifying info about me by abusing their powers of Congress to break into steal my medical records. Remember this when you are tempted to think that the evil Obamites and his band of socialists are doing anything good. They are not. They have used every trick in the book including secretive spying, stealing info, and remember this too; your same SSN that is ON your medical records is on your bank accounts. The feds have every detail of your life if born in the US and or in or attended U S public schools. Those schemes of the wicked to steal, plunder, loot for the purpose of 'legalizing' what GOD has named as sin and abomintion is going to send all the wicked to hell, and or prison.
So don't be deceived by the wicked schemers in Congress. Those sodomites and baby-killers there are going to be judged by GOD and weighed in GOD's scales and found lacking. They have enough time to repent. The Bible says in Revelation that women that teach killing to get what they want, go to hell, and are destroyed on this earth, [it actually says the dogs will lick their blood off the streets.]
It is 6:39 PM 27-Feb-2010 and since this am I had to call my isp because acct hacked into AGAIN, and reset some of my safety measures and run the anti-virus scanner and put up with much aggravation from criminals from the Denver Police hacking into my acct to try to force me to take down my criticism of them on my blog at:
But they didn't win yet! Denver Colorado is the most corrupt place on earth,I think.
The Governor is corrupt, the Police dept is corrupt, the US PS is corrupt, the catholic church is corrupt and most of the citizens there are prodeathers. Think how many people in the news have died there. I was almost one of them since they unleash the devil they keep on a leash there on prolifers. BUT for GOD, I'd be dead, but
GOD saved me!
Gloria Poole, Missouri

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Liars, Thieves, & Reprobates in Congress;elsewhere

Update Thursday :
This quote is from the online Wall Street Journal today:
"President Obama has a habit of making false statements"..
and this one, "By respectfully refuting the president, Republicans
can help establish themselves as reasonable advocates of common-sense
politics and even restore a healthier give-and-take between
the executive and legislative branches."
10:26 AM 2/25/2010
Read entire article at:
Update again at 11:11 AM 25th:
I forgot to mention this but do NOT view ABC news videos IF you are prolife and or opposed to sodomy or homosexuality. That TV station will try to fry your ocmputer if you click on a video from them. They are the perverts' political action committee. Just avoid their programming--it is not worth it because they don't have anything to tell you that other stations don't and the other stations or news sources don't try to scramble your harddrive with Pentagon radaremissions 'courtesy of" Obama,H Clinton,John Kerry and Barney [sodomite[Frank.

Yesterday morning I began my morning by reading the online news and I read this article:

Government spying in the US is pervasive. I know that personally since
they have hacked into my computer often and at times tried to fry it
for my opposition to the killing of innocent baby humans. And Newsweek
knows it too in this article:
@ 7:04 AM 2/23/2010
And I tried again to get control of the domain that ALWAYS belonged to me was begun by me in about 2003 and added too for years that opposed those evils in Congress of John Kerry, H Clinton, and Obama for their lack of soul or conscience and for their deeds of voting against human life over and over again. And that domain is It is rightfully mine but I am beginning to think I will have to file a $10 million dollar lawsuit against and their evil accomplices in Denver who tried to steal it, to get it back again.

And then I tried again to get control of my website/domain of that criminals tried to steal for three consecutive years. In the process of that, I created a page on several different locations to make sure it appears somewhere because I am NOT giving words that WORK LLP to criminals. Not now not ever.
You may see my pages for this domain at:

The reason I titled this Liars thieves and reprobates is obvious to me. Liars and thieves are in the same category of wanting something,coveting something that does not belong to them and they lie, cheat,steal, swindle to get it. Sort of like that political victory Obama covets so much of overthrowing the US Constitution to define killing of innocents as a 'right' . And reprobates? They are those perverted individuals who sodomize and call it s-e-x and who do abominable disgusting things with members of their same sex. That Romans chapter one warns so vehemently against and that the last verse in that chapter aays those who do those things are 'worthy of death." It also says they have reprobate minds. Sodomites, lesbians,perverts, abominations are the root cause of all the problems in this nation according to Romans chapter one King James Holy Bible.
Gloria Poole, Missouri; 23-Feb-2010 @ 2:13PM

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Harvard Trained killer, kills 3 Professors at U of Ala

The news this morning is that a Harvard trained killer, killed 3 Professors and wounded 3 more at the University of Alabama faculty meeting, and apparently for the reason that they did not want her sort of 'research' there that consisted of killing embryoes for false research. Does this surprise you? It does not surprise me. Once upon a time, Harvard was a CHRISTIAN University and then it went secular, and started persecuting Christians to get more money from atheists, and worldly governments. Then they began the radical ungodly false doctrine of 'choice' to kill the unwanted. Well, their trained killer killed those she did not want.
Does it really surprise you that someone entrenched in the killing of innocents philosophy for how many years [I'd guess 16 in 'higher education' to become socialist recognized 'scientist' ] killed those who did not want her killing methods in the University?
It is the same underlying cause as the Columbine, and Virginia Tech shootings. Those places that teach killing as a 'right' reap the 'fruit' of that and in this case, 3 Professors are dead because of bad teaching at Harvard University. The University of Alabama went astray when they allowed that woman from Harvard Killing Philosophy on their faculty in the first place. WHY would they accept for a teaching position someone whose field was killing?
How long does it take a nation to connect the dots and see the bigger picture that is dotted like a landscape scene across nation, of shootings in several states now, that the U S Dept of Education is not teaching the truth of GOD and is in fact, teaching alienation from GOD as the correct [in their secular minds] but false doctrine of hate GOD and disobey GOD's commandments?
Alabama prosecute that killer to the nth degree! For the sake of the nation and for the sake of Alabama and for the justice for those killed and wounded.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri. Time is 9:12 AM, 13-Feb-2010.
Update at 9:24 because I meant to add this in :
Consider this a public notice to not sign up for an account with Topix. It will steal your information and give it to criminals. I signed up for an account with them to post the prolife messages on it. And they promptly allowed criminals to steal my login credentials, my password and my files on it, and they also 'facilitated' the theft of an internet hosting acct of mine since I had signed up with the email that belongs rightfully to me [gloria at] that the criminals stole and then used to steal my internet hosting account that had that email as the 'contact' email for many of my domains. The site that was hijacked by topix is at:
If you read it, and see my photo on it, you will recognize my words and photo of me. What is wrong on it, is that I moved from Denver Colorado 80203 to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009, and I am correcting all websites to reflect that. I have notified Topix TWICE that the password and the email that I signed up with that acct, were stolen by someone using the Topic site I created to do that. Topix did nothing to restore my site to me or to stop the criminals from using my name, my photo and my words of that site, or from stealing my email addess of gloria at . My exhusband is not a Poole family member and probably also not a Pappas family member either but probably stole the Pappas name as he tried to steal the Poole name. Evil lurks everywhere in Colorado. If you do any sort of business in Colorado, you are getting scammed. Retail kiosks for cell phones sell your confidential info to criminals for $20 slipped over counter to them. "Persons of trust' steal your postal mail, and your sources of income. The US Postal service steals mail and the Denver Post wrote about that but it did not stop them because their postal inspector is part of the racket. And Topix based in Boulder Colorado is a scam to steal your info for their purposes. Just avoid those scams. Oh yea, I also notified the FBI and the criminal division of the U S Dept of Justice about Topix stealing my name, my photo and my words and probably some of my original photos I uploaded to begin with.
Update again;
Also don't sign up for free storage as they allow theft of whatever you stored in their 'free' storage.
And what do you think about the news this morning that THREE apparently armed security guards stood and watched as a 15 yr was beaten in the 'tunnel' for public transportation? I think it makes the city of Seattle liable. And I think the reported response that the officers had to what sounds obvious in the news, to tell the 15 yr girl of some minority* to flee the area into the night of a more risky situation for her instead of actually stopping the attack on her, shows the absolute incompetence of those security guards. What are they 'guarding' ? Their paychecks? Because it seems obvious that they were not making the area safe if in their presence a 15 yr girl was beaten by 3 other teenagers! Don't you think it is time for all governments to put the protection of the innocents ahead of the protection of the lawmakers?
* Footnote: she is not blond and blue eyes as article said which always means a minority of some sort when spoken/written by journalists.]

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Nat Tea Party 1st Convention; MDs & Pres who kill

The cuppa tea photo is to show my support for the National
Tea Party convening in Tennessee this evening. Now to the serious subject:
I read in the NY Times today two articles that present news that does not often make the NY Times' front page: 1) article opposing the imperial Presidency of Obama, and 2) article about the billboards in Atlanta declaring humans as "endangered species" because of abortionists targeting human race. Here are my comments on those articles, and I am reposting the previous entry also to keep it current.
The article by Tobin Harshaw entitled "Assassinating Americans; Killing the Constitution" references news in the Daily Times of Washington DC that Obama has the unrestrained [but it is unauthorized power] to order the assassination of U S citizens he considers a 'threat ' to America [or to himself?} and the article begins by quoting Matthew Yglesias who summed up, said that did not surprise him at all. It does not surprise me at all either and I do not think for a nano-second that Obama would hesitate to use that abuse of power. But here's the thing: there is a mechanism in the U S Constitution to deal with situations in which American citizens deliberately and intentionally aid and abet the enemies of the United States including those political so-called leaders who do that, and the mechanism is arresting them and charging them with treason and trying them in a Court of Law. The punishment of treason is death according to the U S Constitution. To completely ignore the due process of that and allow Obama to be prosecutor, Judge and jury totally defeats the protections of the US Constitution to not punish the innocent and to make sure that there is enough evidence before a person is killed for his crimes. If Obama is ordering the assassination of US citizens abroad he is violating the U S Constitution since the US President is NOT a King with unlimited powers. A President that knowingly, willingly ignores the US Constitution should be impeached.
And the second article about humans being declared 'endangered species ' by a series of billboards in Atlanta does not go far enough. ALL HUMANS are endangered as a race by the war on the unborn/preborn and not only black babies. The billboards should also include the white babies, and the Asian babies and the Muslim babies and the Tibetan, and the Arabic and the Jewish babies and all other 'races' of humans being targeted if they don't want to be racist, claiming concern only for the black babies aborted and not the other babies aborted. Yes, as a prolifer it is clear to me for 2 decades now that the war on the unborn has to be stopped by the righteous, prolifers and that because abortion is as entrenched as a [false] right as was slavery, it is probably going to take another war to end it.
And about the articles about the 'doctor' of Michael Jackson's whose prescriptions killed him, why are they giving him time to flee the country? Why are they hesitating to charge him with crimes? Is it because of that Obama interference into the Massachusetts case in which a black professor was arrested for obstruction of law enforcement infuriating the black President who apparently thinks black people should not be charged with crimes? For what reason are the Police hesitating to arrest the man who killed Michael Jackson?

Today's date is 6_Feb-2010 and time is 7:06 AM, central time. Written by Gloria Poole.
Update at 8:23 PM after watching the very excellent youtube video by Al-Jazeera news agency,reporting from Tennessee, reporting on the first national Tea Party Convention. I stood up for Al-Jazeera news when I lived in Denver and they were trying to cover the democratic convention [though I am republican and did not go to the demoncrat convention it was in the news] and the mainstream media was trying to shut out the journalists from Al-Jazeera and there was a public response to that, and I commented to please allow journalists from all agencies [and not just those in the pocket of the democrats]. I wanted to read/see/hear what Al-Jazeera thought of those shenanigans of Colorado using millions of taxpayer money that was allocated for the poor to 'honor' the rich Kennedys, and Clintons,etc,etc,etc-a million dollar party at the expense of the poorest in Colorado. I think that was the beginning of the Tea Party for me! Now I am glad to see /hear the very good reporting of Al_Jazeera on the Tea Party Convention where Sarah Palin is speaking this evening. Watch that youtube video--it interviews and includes clips of the actual speech by Tom Tancredo, and highlights some points of the agenda.

+Reposting this to keep it current:I read in the news that a so-called high officer [Adm Mike Mullen] in some branch of service thinks sodomites and lesbians should be allowed to serve in uniform while flagrantly flaunting the laws of GOD. The US Military is already the honey pot for the killing establishment of Planned (un)Parenthood and its Rico violating ngo's that have an agenda of depopulating the world. And it is already the equivalent of the Guards that guard Buckingham Palace though without those wonderful red and black uniforms and bear skin hats. Except the US Military guards the Palaces of Arab Kings and Sheiks. And it is already paid with play money i.e. credit cards with no limit on the U S military budget /Dept of 'Defense" though they have never yet defended the US soil.
Now another BAD Obama idea to put perverts in the military. And yes, I put that word on purpose. GOD calls them abomination and so do I. GOD spoke the words to Moses to speak to the men, and some of those instructions were, "thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination." [Leviticus 18:22].
A better idea would be to fire the closet sodomite who thinks it is time to put abominations into the U S Military.
What's wrong with America?
In the US Congress and the White House are people who do not acknowledge The Word of GOD in the Holy Bible and who do not honor GOD and who do not fear GOD. But I am sure that there will come a time when they fear GOD very much! When GOD punishes the wicked in Washington DC in HIS methods and ways, and timing, there probably won't be 10 men in that city who GOD would spare [read the Biblical record of Abraham pleading for GOD to spare the righteous and GOD saying that IF HE could find 10 righteous men in Sodom and Gomorrha, HE would spare the city. GOD couldn't find 10 righteous men in that wicked sodomite cities and HE destroyed them both completely--with fire from heaven the Bible says.
GOD is not mocked. It is written' be not deceived. GOD is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. " Galatians 6:7. The man Mike Mullen who is championing sodomy and abomination should be fired from the US Military.
The US does not need an army made up of sodomites trying to get federal benefits for their boy-friends and patting other men's behinds,and making straight men have to always be on the lookout for pervert attack instead of doing their assigned roles, etc. Do I have to draw you a picture of why that idea of perverts in military is such a bad idea?
Gloria Poole, Missouri; The time is 12:33 PM, 2-Feb-2010.
Updated today to keep the above in the post:
And in BBC news today the doctor who gave Micheal Jackson a drug that should have been administered in an operating room only with constant monitoring and the ability to resusitate him were available, is to be charged with 'involuntary
manslaughter." Was it 'involuntary' what he did? Did he actively seek out a drug with warnings on it, that is normally used only by anesthesiologists in a hospital setting and administer it to a man in his home, with no cardiac or respiratory monitoring of his vital signs? I would say it was premeditated not involuntary. If as a
medical doctor he did not know the risks of administering general anesthesia without the monitoring of vital signs and the administration of oxygen, and the stand-by staff to resusitate in case something went wrong, then I would
question his medical training AND I would say he is not fit to have a medical license anywhere. If he is not charged with crimes, it sends the message to the public that absolute malpractice that kills patients is acceptable to the medical licensing boards, and that message will result in people abandoning trained doctors in search of people who would help them live not kill them.
7:52 AM 2/3/2010
Update Monday 8-Feb-2010 @11:29 to make these points:
1) did the 'MD' Murray who killed Micheal Jackson flee the country or what? LA Times's article today said he had his passport when prosecutors saw him last. But of course, wasn't that the trick of waiting 3 days to charge him?
2) Does the NY Times think that China has taken over the country or what? Their article today asking if we [as a nation] will learn Chinese, makes me think they do think China has gotten control of America.
3) Public Notice to criminals in Colorado who are trying to steal/slam/spoof my cell phones: I have notified T-Mobile; and if and when you try to steal/slam/spoof my phones [2 cell phones] your info is going to be sent to the FBI for them to prosecute you for identity theft and theft. And if T-Mobile does not do that then I will. And T-Mobile will lose their paying customer [me] for allowing theft of my minutes and account via their fraudulent retail centers in Colorado. But I am keeping my numbers and IF T-Mobile thinks criminals will pay them for the services they have been stealing for years, they are fooling themselves. Criminals steal --they don't pay for services. A company that does wrong by its paying customers doesn't have paying customers for very long because word of mouth gets around. And yes, I do have landline phone in Missouri and I do have google permanent numbers in Missouri but I also have my same cell phones I have had since 2007 when single again. Consider this the last warning you are getting about MY cell phones, because I am tired of your theft and scam. I have the phones in Missouri where I LIVE; and I pay for them every month and you are NOT stealing them ! (s) Gloria Poole of Missouri.
Gloria Poole, Missouri;

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

NO Sodomites in the US Military & Crime of MD to Jackson

I read in the news that a so-called high officer [Adm Mike Mullen] in some branch of service thinks sodomites and lesbians should be allowed to serve in uniform while flagrantly flaunting the laws of GOD. The US Military is already the honey pot for the killing establishment of Planned (un)Parenthood and its Rico violating ngo's that have an agenda of depopulating the world. And it is already the equivalent of the Guards that guard Buckingham Palace though without those wonderful red and black uniforms and bear skin hats. Except the US Military guards the Palaces of Arab Kings and Sheiks. And it is already paid with play money i.e. credit cards with no limit on the U S military budget /Dept of 'Defense" though they have never yet defended the US soil.
Now another BAD Obama idea to put perverts in the military. And yes, I put that word on purpose. GOD calls them abomination and so do I. GOD spoke the words to Moses to speak to the men, and some of those instructions were, "thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination." [Leviticus 18:22].
A better idea would be to fire the closet sodomite who thinks it is time to put abominations into the U S Military.
What's wrong with America?
In the US Congress and the White House are people who do not acknowledge The Word of GOD in the Holy Bible and who do not honor GOD and who do not fear GOD. But I am sure that there will come a time when they fear GOD very much! When GOD punishes the wicked in Washington DC in HIS methods and ways, and timing, there probably won't be 10 men in that city who GOD would spare [read the Biblical record of Abraham pleading for GOD to spare the righteous and GOD saying that IF HE could find 10 righteous men in Sodom and Gomorrha, HE would spare the city. GOD couldn't find 10 righteous men in that wicked sodomite cities and HE destroyed them both completely--with fire from heaven the Bible says.
GOD is not mocked. It is written' be not deceived. GOD is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. " Galatians 6:7. The man Mike Mullen who is championing sodomy and abomination should be fired from the US Military.
The US does not need an army made up of sodomites trying to get federal benefits for their boy-friends and patting other men's behinds,and making straight men have to always be on the lookout for pervert attack instead of doing their assigned roles, etc. Do I have to draw you a picture of why that idea of perverts in military is such a bad idea?
Gloria Poole, Missouri; The time is 12:33 PM, 2-Feb-2010.
Updated today to keep the above in the post:
And in BBC news today the doctor who gave Micheal Jackson a drug that should have been administered in an operating room only with constant monitoring and the ability to resusitate him were available, is to be charged with 'involuntary
manslaughter." Was it 'involuntary' what he did? Did he actively seek out a drug with warnings on it, that is normally used only by anesthesiologists in a hospital setting and administer it to a man in his home, with no cardiac or respiratory monitoring of his vital signs? I would say it was premeditated not involuntary. If as a
medical doctor he did not know the risks of administering general anesthesia without the monitoring of vital signs and the administration of oxygen, and the stand-by staff to resusitate in case something went wrong, then I would
question his medical training AND I would say he is not fit to have a medical license anywhere. If he is not charged with crimes, it sends the message to the public that absolute malpractice that kills patients is acceptable to the medical licensing boards, and that message will result in people abandoning trained doctors in search of people who would help them live not kill them.
7:52 AM 2/3/2010