Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Canoe sketch drawn by me Gloria Poole & I moved to Springfield, Missouri

I am adding a sketch I drew before [not today's] so that Google will recognize me. I moved to Springfield, Missouri in Sept 2018 into a private unshared apt of my own and from a private unshared apt of my own in Columbia Missouri at same time. I do not have family in Columbia Missouri since my daughter Leigh and her family [husband and children] moved before I did, which was why I moved. I am still unmarried.

I like Springfield Missouri much better. It has more Christian people and is nicer and it's in the Ozark Mountain chain and has many lakes near by. I learned to canoe at the University of Georgia years ago as a P.E. credit as I was getting a business degree from there. I am also a Registered Nurse for a long time.

I updated other blogs of mine in past few weeks and you can see some of those by seeing post I put on:
https://gloriapoole.blogspot.com .

Today is 23 April 2019 at 10:58am central time.

Gloria Poole,RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri

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