Saturday, June 21, 2014

Follow-up my mini-exhibit blog

I tweeted to the @FBI today to get their help getting rid of cybercriminals who broke into my blog at: this morning as I was updating it with more art I had created. Because of that I also put a legal notice to @FBI [#FBI] and banks and public on another blog of my name at Anyone following my art I create or my life or my twitter accounts should read that blog today .

Also, if you viewers like the art I create and sign, you can follow one of my blogs that I post art in batches too, at RSS feeds:;for Atom;for RSS ;for Atom service.posts

Also, for the record, I own and create several blogs and I categorize them into prolife; art I create, spreading the gospel and public health. I create them one by one at different times. You will learn much about the prolife cause and "battle" if you read them all: [It's about ending abortion]

You will see links on those blogs to other blogs that I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri own and create and some are primarily for displaying art I create.

Also, for the record: I am a white, single again woman, Southern Baptist Christian, republican, prolife , blogger, poet, photographer, and artist in all mediums. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and a mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh. I was born in the state of Georgia but reside in Missouri since Oct 2009.

Copyright notice: this blog and its content belongs exclusively to me , Gloria Poole, RN , artist of Missouri and Georgia. It may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be copied, nor photo-copied, nor printed at remote,nor saved to disk, nor be republished in any form. It is intellectual property created by me and I own all rights to it.I am keeping this blog since it contains content I created beginning in about 2003.

[signed] Gloria Poole of Missouri [but I did have the name of Gloria Poole Pappas for 4 1/2 years during horrible 2nd marriage that ended in divorce in Oct 2007 and I removed the Pappas name from my name forever at time of final decree in Arapahoe County Colorado], at my own, private, not shared apt in Missouri, on 21 June 2014 at 3:01pm.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

There is no Pappas in my name since Oct 2007 and I am not Mexican.

I, Gloria Poole,RN, artist born in state of Georgia but residing in Missouri, retrieved this account because of confusion as to who it was/is, and I am doing what I can to clarify this. I have to get control of my real, born with name, which is Gloria Poole. I have a middle name given to me at birth that begins with the letter J. I created this account during a brief second marriage in Colorado. That marriage was a total disaster that resulted in much physical injury to me and much harm to my life's goals, and my efforts of years to build a business of my own. And it ended in divorce in Oct 2007 after 4 years of marriage to a violent man DBP [but it took about 8 months after the filing for divorce to end it. I am thankful it did end and that I survived it. Thanks be to GOD! I have written much about that and in fact wrote details I needed to tell and put them on one of my blogs at:, in past few days. I MOVED TO MISSOURI ON OCT 31, 2009. I still paint as an artist and I did that before that second marriage and second divorce and I am still a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri now. You can read more on this blog of mine: and especially on the about me page of it. Also, see the list of other blogs I create and art I create on those blogs.

Also see these sites of mine: with site name changed to scriptures about salvationThank you.

Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / gloriapoolepappas / gloria-poole /gloria.poole / Ms Gloria Poole / artist-gloriapoole / Gloria Poole, RN, artist, and other variations of my name, at my own, private apt in Missouri on 17 June 2014 at 3:55pm.

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