Monday, March 13, 2006

Jesus wins every time!

I am a living testimony for the goodness of God, and for the ability of God to overcome evil. The fact that I am still here is testimony of that! The past 3 years of my life has been in some ways, the worst of my life. Three years ago,I accidentally married a cocaine addict and a pretender of Christianity, and I am still trying to regain my life and my work from his and his accomplice's, treachery. Why you may ask do I write this for the public? My answer would be that there are so many young women in the world who could potentially make the same mistake that I did that I want to educate them on the issues of this topic. From the position of looking back to three years ago, here is what I learned:
1) never trust a man who takes your last dime or dollar,
2) never go out with a man who says he "used to be a drug addict",
3) never associate your honest name with a man who "used to be a drug addict";
4) never give confidential info to such a man;
5) never put items that matter to you within his reach;
6) never sign over anything to him [like a check or make out a check to him] and never leave your confidential info where he can find it;
7) never trust a man who lies on average 3-5 times in 8 hours;
8) never trust a man who lies to your daddy;
9) never trust a man who hates your children;
10) never trust a man who strong-arms you and demands money;
11) never trust a man or be in the presence of man who whispers threats to you;
12) never trust a man who would take the money your daddy sent you to go home on, put it into his account telling you he will give you the cash;
13) never trust a man who has been ever been a cocaine addict;
14) never trust a man who sweet talks you but oogles every woman that walks by him;
15) never trust a man who when he goes out with you [on a date] jumps out of the car and takes off;
16) never give a man who drives off and leaves you at a shopping mall, a second chance.
17) never trust a man who tells you he has to go see his "mama" at midnight;
18) never trust a man whose mother cannot remember your name;
19) never trust a man whose mama "took" a man's name without benefit of marriage;
20) never trust a man whose mama hates you on sight;
21) never trust a man who says he is Christian, but curses, uses profanity, has a four word vocubulary of vulgar and vile words;
22) never trust a man you find looking through your coat pockets;
23) never trust a man who cannot be relied upon for anything.
24) never trust a man who does a "drive by drop off" of you as if you were a sack of trash slung from the car into the dumpster;
25) never trust a man who tells you he is giving you a gift then within 24 hours is searching your aprt for it, saying you "were only holding it for him";
26) never trust a man who thinks hurting you is funny;
27) never trust a man who gets his thrills by making you cry.
28) never trust a man that does not put you on the top of the priority list for his day;
29) never trust a man who curses at you if you are happy or sing;
30) never trust a man who would ask you for your last dime, or quarter, or dollar at the check out stand as he unfolds his hundreds to flash them about to impress the clerk;
31) never trust a man who is kissy, kissy in public, but prowls about at night in the wee hours;
32) never trust a man who can change his voice to impersonate;
33) never trust a man who writes that a person can say he is heterosexual or homosexual depending upon circumstances; and who "would know the difference?" ;
34)never trust a man who calls every woman "sweetheart" and chases waitresses around the restaurant;
and never trust a man who will not go to Church with you where the real Bible is read.
When I write these out I realize what a fool I was! And the only hope I have is Jesus the Messiah, Redeemer, friend, Saviour, who said HE overcomes evil.


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