Sunday, February 05, 2006

When my daddy was a fox-hunting young man

I have uploaded an image of my daddy [last name is Poole] sent to me by my sister, of my daddy when he was a young, fox hunting man in South Georgia. Sometimes I am very sad still over my father's death in Dec, 2004 because I wanted so much for him to enjoy life more, and live longer. I have written about him on several occasions including today as comments about his Military duty and sense of gratitude for America and veterans on either Townhall or Conservative Voice. Also in my website, is a tribute to him .My daddy was an honorable man in many ways and many people appreciated him. So many people told me at his funeral how much they admired him and enjoyed his company, and I was amazed to hear that, because he was stern with us, unyielding. He was a strict disciplinarian, and there was a time when I resented that.

Today, I say a very late but public Thank you to my daddy in heaven for all the times he taught me what was the right thing to do, and made me behave. We live in an era in history when good men are rare as hen's teeth, it seems, and when good men who stand up and be counted for righteousness, almost are nonexistent. I learned right is right and wrong is wrong by my daddy's example and of course from the Scriptures. I pray he knows in heaven how much I love him still. signed gloria poole


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