Monday, October 27, 2008

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Matthew Bills!

I am the very happy mother of the bride today. My youngest daughter,[Leigh Josey] became Mrs Matthew Bills this past weekend. They met in the Peace Corps and fell in love. You may see the wedding photos I took at:

There were two professional photographers there also and their photos will be more extensive but probably will not posted on line. The photo of the ceremony that is slightly blurred is because I was crying so hard [for joy] when I took it! But there is another one not blurred of the ceremony at a different moment.

Many of their friends from the Peace Corps attended, and family and friends. The wedding was in the Ozarks area of Missouri; and it was spectacularly beautiful and also gave a Christian witness of their public profession of faith in JESUS, THE MESSIAH.

The photos should open in a large format but you may be asked if you want to open the photo and click 'yes' if so. They are all decent images, not to worry!
/s/ gloria poole, Denver CO 80203, but originally from GA.


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