Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Bell Tolls for Thee, America

The Bell Tolls for Thee, America??
Good article entitled "Amusing but not funny" by Bob Herbert in the
NY Times today. Read it at:
9:04 AM 10/14/2008
And I beg to differ again with Paulson's plan to keep extending credit
and encouraging Americans to borrow money. You cannot borrow
your way out of debt! It does not ever work. That article is also in the
NY Times today entitled, "Paulson says banks must deploy capital". If however
what he means is restoring to the citizens the losses they suffered for
trusting in the system, that is a different thing. If the government guaranteed
banks,or incomes, they should pay up.
9:06 AM 10/14/2008
signed gloria poole, RN and artist, etc,Denver CO 80203


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