Sunday, February 10, 2008

"We intend to enhance that reputation"

Here's a quote from a MD with the lead in introductory words to explain that Mayor Mike of NYC has some agreement with World Health Organization [W.H.O. ] to tackle the enormous problem of worldwide smoking and the jillion dollar marketing campaigns from the US that drive that problem. I hate smoking and alcohol and abortion!* They are all evil intent on the destruction of the human race.

quote from NY Times article: "Tobacco could kill up to a billion people during the 21st century, as cigarette sales soar in poor and middle-income countries even as they drop in wealthier ones, says a report issued Thursday by the World Health Organization.

The report, financed by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s foundation, suggests a six-point program for fighting the tobacco industry’s influence.

“The W.H.O. is described by the tobacco industry as its biggest enemy,
” Dr. Margaret Chan, the organization’s director general, said at a news conference introducing the report. “Today we intend to enhance that reputation.” in article at:[end quote]
9:02 AM 2/8/2008

Well, I'm telling you that if Mayor Mike of NYC spends some of his billions to help W.H.O. defeat BIG TOBACCO and BIG MARKETING of sin as a "right" then I'm impressed. And that quote, don't you just love that. "We intend to enhance that reputation [as the biggest enemy of tobacco]" I love that quote! I feel that way about the prolife cause too. I intend to enhance my reputation as Hillary's worst enemy, and the worst enemy of all those politikos who believe and act on the wicked idea that killing of innocents with premeditation is a right. That is always a wrong, always a sin, always displeasing to GOD, who never gave permission to anyone to kill innocents and who does not wink-wink at evil.

Maybe if Mayor Mike realizes how life enhancing doing GOD's work* is, he will turn his radar on the prolife cause of saving the innocents from annihilation at the hands of the merciless abortionists-assassins? And W.H.O. well, they know me--they know me as Gloria Poole, RN who applied to work for them in several countries, and had a very definite view of what righteous people could do who are determined, and committed to a cause.

I have another website that I entitled Optimum Health is Achievable located at this site: Of course my name is corrected to my maiden name of Gloria Poole again as of Oct 29,2007 but I have not yet corrected all the url addresses with some of my websites and blogs. Just so you know, that was my former married name and divorced.
* It is GOD's work trying to rescue people from destruction whether self inflicted or caused by others.


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