Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Vote YES on Prop 73 today

Parents, grandparents., citizens, you have the opportunity today in Calif to vote to return the parental authority to the parents to make health care decisions for minor girls. The Prop 73 requires that an abortionist attempting to abort a minor girl notify the parents in advance and only the parents may authorize so that the bypass of parental authority loophole is closed. This is a good stop-gap measure as it will allow those who love a girl the most, the ones who gave her life, to decide whether to risk her life in an abortion. An abortion is a life taking of the baby and it jeopardizes the life of the one aborting. There is abundant evidence of that in medical schools and abortion clinics but it has been disguised through sleight of hand tricks by the CDC, the "not for honest profits",ngos that profit from the blood and tissues of human babies, in other words,the wicked. There have been more deaths from "legal " abortion than there was from illegal abortions because the numbers increased exponentially and so did the risks. Ask Holly Patterson's daddy if he thinks parents should be notified before surgery or medicines that risk their child's life. Ask the Gov of California. Ask any mother who is a good mother what her opinion of this subject it and she will tell you that she is not willling to risk her child's life for ANYTHING OR ANYBODY!

Intervene on behalf of life, give parents authority over their children, do away with the "nanny state" of government control of birth and life, and get life affirming decsion making authority in Calif and every State and every country. "Therefore choose life..." it is written.


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