Saturday, May 29, 2010

Obama's Afraid of the Rain?

The news that the morally bankrupt Congress is voting to allow homosexuals to serve in the Military is very upsetting to me. I think according to the Bible, that will bring about the wrath of GOD on the nation, and make the US military impotent in all meanings of that word.
The few homosexual men I have unwittingly been exposed to in my life, were not of saviour mindsets. They would not die for anybody. They would not serve the goals of the military; but be sabotaging it. They would be trawling for s-e-x while the straight men were fighting the battles. And they'd be trying to kill the straight people for vengeance.
In the Bible GOD warned that HE does not tolerate it when the entire nation allows homosexuality to run rampant. Read the Biblical record of Sodom and Gomorrha for proof.
And then think about the cities that have legalized that and look at the so-called 'natural disasters' they have had since then. Fires, earthquakes in California, flooding in Maasachusetts, near car bombing in NY,
I think it is the turning point that will cause GOD to bring HIS wrath upon the nation. And that will cause a massive exodus from America to other nations where sin is the not the major export.
I don't feel safer in America knowing the military is going to be the pimping grounds for perverts.
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 7:17 AM, 29_May-2010
Update on 31_May-2010:
I attended the airshow in Missouri on Saturday that is a celebration of the lives and work of the U S and Canadian Military for Memorial Day.They honored the living and dead by introducing some of the top brass of the military some active some retired, and by calling the names of those from Missouri who gave their lives to the nation. I photographed much that happened that day and added those photos to my blogs. And I listed where they are on this blog of mine: and the photos are very interesting of fighter jets, the harrier jet, and even a robot. And the honored guests and the photos of those men firing the 21 gun salute. See the blog above because I added them to several blogs since i could not add all of them to any one blog.
Also, I read in the news that Obama opted out of any Memorial day celebration because of the rain in Chicago. I thought it must be very hard for a man to send anyone into combat when he himself is afraid of a thunderstorm. It is very clear to me that he has no sense of duty to this nation. And is totally out of touch with this nation. Perhaps where he was born in Kenya, African continent doesn't do military memorials?
Gloria Poole; at my home in Missouri; 3:49 PM, 31_May-2010


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