Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wikileaks: publish those SOS documents! Update

Update to previous entry:
I read the headlines in the NY times today that an effort to prosecute Wikileaks for publishing content given to him by a spy in the Sec of State's office, will be an uphill battle. Precisely because the entire purpose of an unregulated press is to hold governments accountable for their actions. H Clinton and B Obama have spied on virtually every Republican, Christian prolifer since they got into their first office. That is because true republicans and prolifers and born again Christians oppose them vehemently oppose them for their killing scheme of the unborn/preborn as a class.

If the First Amendment does not protect freedom of the presses, what does it protect? The nation has seen primary school children suspended for wearing t-shirts with reverential respect for GOD's name. And RN's,pharmacists,medical doctors have been fired for opposing abortion ,which is an act of premeditated murder and not a medical procedure.And prolifers have endure rampant violations of their civil liberties since the first President from hell Bill Clinton created the equivalent of Nazi SS troops protecting the sidewlks of abortuaries. So if Julian Assange is prosecuted for informing the nation and all nations of the true thoughts of US Ambassadors, Sec of State and President, then the U S will have made total transition to communism, which seems to be "Barry" Obama's intent/goal.

And about spying on the citizens, read this article in link to Wall St journal yesterday:
Article in Wall St journal about companies using your email and info
from you cell phones and computers,gathered without your permission,
for their own purposes:
12:19 PM 12/1/2010

And how to prevent ingerprinting of computers by those companies:
basically diable javascript on broswer
and torbutton [see]

Leaving this on post because it is the background of my comments today [2-Dec-2010 @ 6;09am central time]:
I read of Julian Assange's intent to publish "classified " documents of the U. S. Secretary of States conversations with world leaders and embassies [Ambassadors] and U. S. President as they 'assessed' the leadership of other nations in derogatory terms apparently. Now the U S Sec of State and President are having a 'hissy fit' because their two-faced negotiations are about to be exposed. So they are putting political pressure on Wikileaks not to publish those documents, citing US law for so-called 'classified' documents. But I have this question: if they were marked classified how did Assuange get them in the first place? Is Secretary of State's office NOT secure? A spy amongst them? That would certainly be the justice of GOD since that dept spies on US citizens without a court order and for political gain of H and B Clinton, and routinely, as a way of life.

So go ahead Wikileaks publish what you have. We, the people of the U S, want to know what the real goals of Sec of State Clinton and Pres Obama are in the area of foreign policy and how they have interfered/manipulated other nations. And what they think when not in front of a tv camera and photo-op.

Get it done for the sake of this nation and every nation so we see the despots in action.
Gloria Poole;9:05AM;28/Nov/2010;in Missouri
Update with this information from BBC news' US and Canada section today [Monday,29th of Nov]:'In July the US Department of State revealed he had access to the
Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (Siprnet) - a system
which allows government and diplomatic information to be shared.'
This quote is from article in BBC news/ world-us-canada section today
entitled "US embassy cables: The background":
3:36 PM 11/29/2010 And contiued with : "The full batch consists of 251,287 documents,
comprising 261,276,536 words - which
the website says is seven times the size of its Iraq documents

The cables cover messages sent between 1966 and 2010 and
originate from 274 US embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions,"
the website says." [end quoted material from BBC news]
These 'leaks' to use their words sounds more like a spy works for H Clinton in her office as Sec of State. A smart woman would be firing her entire staff for those so-called leaks,but we know H Clinton is devious not smart.She needs those spies to keep her informed of Obama's plans and those of her 'enemies' who oppose her on blogs.
Gloria Poole;time as above paragraph.


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