Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Good election news

There is a lot of good news about this election--the sodomites did not win ! The states that had amendments to define marriage as possible between only men and women, passed the Amendment to protect marriage as has existed for 6000 years, in 7 more states bring ing the total to 27 of States that do not allow sodomy as a so-called "right". The other good news is that the State of Georgia has re-elected overwhelmingly Sonny Perdue as Gov, and a prolife Lt Gov, and will have a prolife Pro-Tem in the GA House and a prolife Senate Majority Leader. Prolifers gained 5 seats in the GA House, and didn't lose any in the GA Senate. Prolife candidates won in 100 of 119 races! Praise GOD! The Georgia prolife caucus in the Senate is 60% prolife and the prolife caucus in the GA House of Representatives is 104 persons. This is good news! These figures about the prolife candidates is from the Ga Right to Life news.


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