Monday, August 31, 2009

Vote NO to Obama's baby-killing fake reform plan.

These tiny humans in the womb, are the class of humans that the wicked like the Kennedys, and the Clintons, and the Pelosis, and the Obamas have set about to wipe out as a class of humans. The wicked must be defeated. Obama's plan to depopulate the United States via his plan to force on taxpayers a fake 'health care plan' that is really a plan to pay for more deaths of innocents, or of the sick, handicapped, wounded, elderly. The wicked must not make the rules in this nation or any nation that wants the blessings of GOD. Abortion is a heinous sin against GOD, and GOD keeps the scorecard that matters. If you had an abortion, repent in sincerity and prayer before GOD ALMIGHTY because the premeditated killing of the innocent and tiny humans that GOD creates, grieves the heart of GOD and it will send you to hell, if you do not repent.

There is no such 'right' in the United States for a woman to kill her offspring. Those who tell you that there is, are LIARS. The U S Constitution only authorizes Congress to make public law for the U S and to amend the Constitution means that the Congress has to approve it in both houses AND the citizens of the United States have to ratify the Amendment [accept it, by voting or reject it by voting no!]. There is no such right as the right to abortion. I am sure the main intent of the so-called 'health care reform' is to codify the evil of killing of innocents through tiny print in the back or middle pages of that 1000+ resolution they are NOT discussing but trying to ramrod through the Congress. And I also suspect that fake health care reform bill gives MILLIONS to the killed-baby-processing-plants to chop/dice/slice tiny humans into cells and pieces for fake research in order to get the MILLIONS from taxpayers in the form of grants. Do not be deceived by the wicked. The devil always was a liar according to JESUS who said, "the thief [the usurper of GOD who is the devil] cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy; I AM come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." [John 10:10 KJV]

Also remember the words of JESUS who said, 'even so it is not the will of your FATHER which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." [Matthew 18:14]

To see more of my digital photos of humans in the womb visit this website of mine:
and if that site is blocked by Obama's voodoo krewe the same photos are in other places:

And to read the words of medical doctors and see the photos in paper printed form buy a copy of the book [or borrow from library] entitled :
From Conception to Birth: The Drama of Life's Beginnings written by medical doctors
Roberts Rugh, and Landrum B Shettles, M.D.with Richard N Einhorn collaborating. It is an excellent book and it should be in every OB-GYN office, in every public library and school/university library in the world. They go into great detail in their explanations.
I have also written some about how humans develop on these websites of mine;
Also visit these for more on the prolife cause, and please sign the petition to put a State Constitutional Amendment for Colorado on the referendum and vote prolife; and please prevent the ungodly and not-prolife Kennedys from replacing that evil man with another evil person who is not prolife.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N., and artist, photographer for my own self and my own LLPs { I do not have a boss or supervisor --I am not employed,but a prolife missionary since 1991 but I have worked in nursing as registered nurse for many years [25-26 years..]
Update at 11:36 AM same day after reading more of the news:
Thank GOD that the democratics NO LONGER HAVE a filibuster-proof number of votes since Kennedy died! A miracle of GOD surely in the timing of that death--to remove one of the most wicked from the Senate JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME! Thank GOD that Kennedy died when he did. That means the Republicans could filibuster the resolution that Obama is trying to jam through and therefore block it. Not coincidentally, the demoncrats have tried all morning to fry my computer again with their radaremissions to jam my computer too. But hey, JESUS is more powerful than the devil! Since the citizens of Massachusetts have the constitutional right to select their Senator, their Governor must announce the date of the special election, and the Kennedy's can't just slip into place who they want. Don't let the Kennedy's decide who the Senator from Massachusetts will be! Exercise your constitutional rights to vote into office those that serve you better instead of those that serve themselves better! And don't let the Governor either.Be men and women pleasing to GOD, there in Massachusetts where you have for so long been led by the serpent of socialised killing.
Update at 1:30PM:
also please visit this site of mine:

And remember what the Bible says about a fool: " A fool's mouth is his destruction; and his lips are the snare of his soul.' [Proverbs 18:7] and also "fools make a mock at sin" [Proverbs 14:9a}
Update on 1-Sept-2009 after reading the news that there was a Kennedy from Massachusetts in the U Senate SINCE 1953. Don't you people in Massachusetts believe in 'term limits"? Do you want another womanizing, corrupt POLITICIAN in that seat or honest good representation for your state? Please NO more Kennedys. The nation is sick of them, and their P.R. hype about one speech made by a President sneaking adultering women in the White House back door. PLEASE elect someone with integrity for the sake of the nation?
Update at 2:30 PM second time to write it since cybercriminals deleted the first update at 2:27 PM. The hack attack against Google is from the Pentagon. Hillary's hackers, and Obama's hackers and that ungodly Kennedy family hackers call up the Pentagon when anyone opposes their killing-baby-agendas. They are furious because Google is not their beck and call boys. Google brace up--the demonic democratics are trying to destroy you.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cannot be replaced? OH PLease! Get real!

I read a statement in the media pump-up of the death of Ted Kennedy and it is untrue. Everyone could be replaced. Even the President is replaced intermittently. Anyone who quits a job or is fired, is replaced if the job was important. Kennedy did not do anything great for this nation. He ramroded through a plan to transfer MOST of the assets of the Medicare fund to the Pharmaceutical companies. He killed a woman. He was accessory to the deaths of MILLIONS of innocents in the nation. He was a womanizer,liar, cheat, swindler, and he made his millions from the blood and tissues of human beings. He is in the category of a Hitler in my opinion. He could have, should have done something to end the massive slaughter of innocents in the womb, with his power he amassed not through legal means [not with lawful authority] but with cozying up to crooks, con-men, abortionists [murderers], fraudsters. There was nothing honorable about Ted Kennedy or the way he ran his Senate office that I could detect when I went to his Senate office in the 90's to ask him to repent of his support of killing of innocents. He was nothing but a bureaucrat and a very corrupt one. His staff asked me what I had to give to him when I asked to see him.

When I first read the statement in the news that he could not be replaced, I thought of two situations very different. Should Germany have 'replaced' Hitler with another like him? Or was it better NOT to replace that evil? The other situation most different, that I remembered from when I worked in the main OR [operating room] of a county hospital years ago. I was the First Assistant; meaning I held retractors, mopped blood that pooled in the incision, held whatever the surgeon told me to hold as long as he said to hold it, and this was a paid job for me as a Registered Nurse. In the course of that, one day a surgeon that I greatly admired said to me, "Gloria, don't let anyone ever deceive you about the importance to the world of any particular person. [We had been talking about how GOD controls all.] If I during the course of this surgery suddenly dropped dead, the circulator would stick her head out the door of the OR and whistle and say HEY, we need a surgeon in here pronto!. Everyone could be replaced and is replaced at times.' The Bible says GOD raises up another and that HE puts down 'kings' and raises up Kings. So the fact that the media is trying to pump up the awful deeds of Kennedy into something 'royal' as one wrote today in their attempt to make something of a molehill who knew how to put the squeeze on anyone who called on him to do his paid job, means to me paid op-ed pieces by someone. The Kennedy 'legacy' as the limousine liberals like to name it, never was anything. John Kennedy made one significant memorable speech, and then for his philandering and murder of the actress who knew too much, GOD's justice took him down. And Bobby Kennedy did nothing memorable that I could think of except get assassinated for probably being the method or the one who paid for the drowning of Marilyn Monroe. And what legacy does Edward [Ted] Kennedy have that people should remember? He killed a woman then pleaded drunkenness as his excuse. He womanized for decades. He was an alcoholic. He participated actively in the premeditated murders of MILLIONS since that ungodly Roe v Wade usurpation of power by the Supreme Court [usurpation of power because there is NO authority for the Supreme Court to write/ create new public law]. He did not ever call for the impeachment of the Justices after that though the U S Senate has the power to do that. He did not ever champion the cause of the innocents.He did not ever do one honorable thing in nearly 50 years as a U S Senator.He voted against human life for decades, and he ramroded through extortion, corruption bribes, carrot and stick maneuvers plans that have bankrupted this nation as an entity.
It disgusts me when I read paid op-ed pieces glorifying sin, vice and corruption, as somehow worthy of honor or respect. I am grateful that GOD removed Ted Kennedy from the Senate for the sake of the innocents in the womb, and that HE also removed Hillary and Barack too, so they have no voting power. And I am praying that GOD also removes from the U S Senate any who is the champion of killing of innocents including Nancy Pelosi, John Lewis, Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Olympia Snowe, --every one including those not named here, who have methodically, consistently voted against human life time after time, and by doing so, have empowered evil to flourish in this nation. Killing of innocents is always a wrong, never a right. GOD wrote the words in stone, "thou shalt not kill', [Exodus 20:13, KJV] and that is HIS commandment still for all generations and all civilizations. GOD is not mocked. And it is written, 'be not deceived.GOD is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Ted Kennedy forced through a drug bill to make the taxpayers buy drugs as the 'saviour' of the sick. Those drugs did not save him, nor Michael Jackson, nor the DJ found dead yesterday. Drugs, chemicals, do not save people.There are some good medicines made from the leaves of trees as the Bible says in two places, but those made from aborted babies are deadly,and those made from chemical concoctions are deadly, and those made from horses' urine [womens so -called hormone replacements] are likely to lead to cancer, and those made from humans' tissues is cannabalism and is not pleasing to GOD and is not going to help anyone.Ted Kennedy thought drugs were the saviour of the world and GOD proved him wrong. And he died because of his pagan beliefs and sins against GOD in the manner of defying GOD it seems to me. He continued to hold up a government-controlled 'plan' to be the 'saviour' and it did not save him. He had the best health care money could buy at taxpayers' expense and the most drugs and treatment of anybody in the US. He would not have been treated aggressively for his cancer at his age if he had not been Senator, YET it did not save him. GOD is not mocked.
/s/ Gloria Poole R.N., and artist, Denver Colorado 80203; @ 8:04AM, 29-Aug-2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Demonic Democrats Strike Again from their darkness

I wrote the other day that I had recieved a notice per telephone that I was to be 'thrown out onto the street' for basically protesting the abortuaries and the President. No reason given except that I did not provide them with my bank statement.The written letter sent by certified mail that a DHA staffer signed for, said it was because I refused to give them my bank statement. I am not giving them my bank statement for several reasons:
1) it is violation of the Fourth Amendment to be free of unreasonable searchs of private info by the federal government.I am not on any sort of 'hand-out' program and subsist on money received back from disability insurance taxes paid into the U S 'system' for 25 yrs. And on that topic it is not much money for those of you working your behinds off in nursing for decades--when you need that money the state you live in will try to find some way to transfer as much of it to them as possible, by denying you other benefits that the poor get so that you have to subsist. DeGette is afraid that after she used treachery and deceit to take away food stamps from me after I was injured,and to take away Colorado A.N.D. funds and to take away SSI money that illegal aliens from Mexico get on the rationale as told to me that was because I am a U S citizen, and to take away by not enforcing three Judges' orders for my second exhusband to pay me restitution, that they have left me with the money to afford internet services, and therefore oppose Obama, DeGette, and Clinton via internet. And they are afraid that I will campaign in some way for the passage of the personhood amendment and they are right--I will..

2)I went to the Denver Housing Authority and met with the Greek-named lawyer. I found out that the effort to throw me out is politically motivated. So then I asked myself why and by whom? And I knew the answer. Congresswoman from hell D DeGette is big time in the killing business and is one of Planned Unparenthood's and BIG ABORTION INDUSTRIES most loyal supporters. Her plan to depopulate the nation and send all the "human material" to fake research labs for chopping,dicing, slicing, is told often by her own self in photo-ops provided by the Denver Post. I oppose her for reasons that killing is immoral and a sin against GOD as written in the Commandments of GOD ,"thou shalt not kill'. [Exodus 20:13,KJV} . That opposition is no secret. She abused her Congressional power to get my bank statements in 2006 when my mail was to be sent to the first PO Box I had in Denver at 46017 and then she after she got the internet account numbers, she took down or caused to be taken down through lies and treachery my websites that opposed her by name. She is trying that evil again. I am opposed to corrupt Congress people.[ Also I moved my PO box to 61513,Denver Colorado 80206 in June 2007 to try to get control of my US mail from thieves and congress-people.
3) Colorado is gathering signatures to put on the ballot this November the 'personhood amendment' and I am in favor of that for every state. Congresswoman-from-hell-DeGette is opposed to it because it would dry up her source of illicit money, bribes and kickbacks. Congresswoman DeGette and her cronies of Jezebel Hillary and Baby-Killer-Barack are trying their worst evil to force on the nation a plan to kill more babies in the womb, sell their flesh to fake research labs, chop,dice and shred them and then send the money to H Clinton, Obama, DeGette, John Lewis, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer and many others in that corrupt Congress who made their fortunes off human flesh and blood. I am opposed to corrupt legislators at every level.
4) I am also opposed to Congresswoman-from-hell-DeGette abusing authority to interfere into my accounts and I am also opposed to Congresswoman-from-hell-Pelosi pretending to visit the catholic run charity clinic to see what it is about, while gathering information she has no right too,about the people who went there [ meaning me in this case, when I went there in hysterics from injuries, pain, abandonment, attempts by my then-husband to kill me only to be told by them that [since he is catholic and I am not] they stuck a label that is not true on me in an effort to tamp down my testimony in Court. But they did NOTHING for the pneumonia I had or for the swelling and purplish condition of my injured leg and ankle. I am opposed to federal interference into my private matters and the Constitution does not allow that. I am opposed to legislators who think the U S Constitution does not apply to them.

I asked for a hearing before a Constitutional Judge on the matter of whether they could evict me for NOT giving them my bank statement. Since they have already the proof of my income and they have ways to verify what my exhusband did not pay, [Family Services of Colorado provides a very convenient way to do that and all agencies know of it.] It is harrassment intended to force me out of the only place I could afford on my income in an effort to intimidate me into silence and squelch my First Amendment liberties to protest the government. I intend to push the matter for the sake of all humans that find themselves injured by violent cocaine-whacked husbands [I am divorced from that second husband and thank GOD], and left crippled and disoriented to die, but didn't and found a place to live. The wicked always count on the humiliation and embarrassment of those injured to create a total silence, to protect the wicked; but I am overcoming that humiliation and embarassment since I did not do anything wrong; except survive catatrosphic [?sp} injuries to me, and find a place to live and am now trying to create sources that are reliable and trustworthy [putting my paintings on line trying to build up a market to increase my income from below poverty level.] I don't think it was wrong for me to survive but the enemies of GOD, do, and those who kill for money, and those who profit from a organized crime of killing of innocents in the womb, also do.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N.,and artist Denver Colorado 80203; @ 10:30 AM, 28-Aug-2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just vote NO Government takeover of Banks, Health Care

Government Takeover of more banks is planned:
According to Bloomberg News today the feds have taken

over 81 banks and are setting up 111 more for takeover,

and the FDIC is broke, and borrowing money to do that.

And according to MarketWatch there are 416 'troubled'

banks in the U S.
Read the Bloomberg article at:


Also read please an article in the NY Times written by
Nicholas Kristof entitled "health care fit for animals"

I have disagreed with Mr Kristof on many occasions but

this article in on target or as the Brits would say 'on

spot' about the goals of the insurance industry. I have

always said that their goal is to make money not heal the

sick. And there are many others that also remind people

of that including Professors at the University of Georgia

in the 80s. I have survived some traumatic events but it

was not government run health care that resolved them,but

private care given by good doctors from the goodness of

their hearts. Government run programs often have nurse

practitioners or Physician's Assistants {P.A.s] instead

of real doctors to save money. Remember this: a nurse has

3-4 years of schooling, and an advanced practice nurse

usually has from 18-24 months more training on top of

that. A Physician's Assistant has 2 years more of

schooling on top of a varied assortment of degrees

including education, so may only have 2 years of

education and experience in health care industry by the

time they are given government's permissions to write a

Rx for legal medicines. Then compare that 2 year

knowledge base to a real M.D. who has 4 years premed with

specialized courses, 4 years medical school, then

internship, then residency training. For some specialities
the residency training period is from 8-16 years e.g.
plastic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, thoracic surgeons.
The focus ObamaCare has is not about quality of services
at all but in not giving any meaningful help except to those
deemed to be important to society and not giving any meaningful
help to those considered 'old' or 'disabled', or 'non-productive'
or 'in the womb' or 'politically disadvantageous to the democrats' .
I am opposed to the takeover of the banks and for a lot of reasons.
The Congress and the federal government has already proved itself inept
at running businesses. Consider Fannie May, Freddie Mac, and also
consider the so-called regulatory agencies of the FEC, SEC, FDIC,
[which after all must have failed tremendously if banks have no reserves
to cover their own losses] and the FCC that allowed Microsoft to gain
total control of nearly every computer in America with its so-called
Microsoft advantage program which they use to 'lock' you out of you own
bought and paid for computer if they don't like what you write on blogs or
I am also opposed to the government takeover of health care as an industry
and of the money to pay for it. Vote NO to Obama's plan to divert real life-giving
attention from the sick, elderly, handicapped, in the womb persons, to the organizations that
kill such as Planned Parenthood abortuary,and hospice from hell.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist, Denver Colorado 80203, ! 11:02 AM, 27-Aug-2009
Update few minutes later after realizing I could add more info to this:
I had a paid position in nursing as a medical peer review nurse and in the process
of that, I had to read medical records [often research diagnoses and treatments] and
then apply a set of government issued 'rules and regs' to the situation. Those rules
and regs are called 'protocols' for who gets health care. I had that position in the
80's and I learned a tremendous amount in every area of medical knowledge. I also learned
how the government dispenses health care including how they control privately paid for insurance by setting the rules that apply to all, when they decide them for Medicare and Medicaid.
Remember that the monies paid out for the Medicare and Medicaid already existent programs
are funneled through private insurers in most cases, so they get their cut off the top.
Also remember that hospice --the killing arm the government pays for--has the goal to do away with the sick, elderly,'terminal' [everyone in this life is on a "collision course" with that same destiny as eternal life is NOT on this earth,meaning that every day you live you move closer to dying,but living long life is GOD's plan. See Psalms 91:16, KJV] They get paid by 'blocks' of time spent and they get paid by what was called HCFA [health care financing administration] code when I worked for them but now called CMMS I think. Name changed but not sure of to what? The code is designed as a one size fits all. It pays for certain diseases but not other diseases, so the unscrupulous [and often inner city hospitals ] make sure every record has the disease the government pays for it on it. That is why there was a sudden increase in 'diabetes' since the government pays hospitals for that diagnosis and apparently also pays pharmacies for supplies and drugs for it. So the rules in themselves encourage the fraud if a person has no integrity and believe me the numbers of people in the health care industry who are mercenaries [there only because it pays well compared to other jobs] is legend. Hospice gets paid to deliver health care as they so loosely define for a six month block of time all at once [or they did not sure if changed but I don't think so.] Now this is a no brainer. If you were an evil person and you know you are going to get paid for six months regardless of what you do for a person and if that person requires a lot of attention, and hands-on care and lifting, and bathing, and spoon-feeding, and 24/7/365 intense attention, how much incentive is a six months block of time to you to get paid if you know the way to kill the person with legal drugs? I mean if they kill the person within 24 hours with drugs, they still get paid the six months of time for 'services'. I saw that almost happen but I intervened and stopped it but I learned how it is done, and I was and am appalled at hospice existence for that reason.It puts vulnerable and very sick people into the hands of the immoral and gives the immoral the 'legal authority' to kill them off. If you don't think so, how do you explain the death of Michael Jackson? He was not on hospice but his doctor felt no compunction about giving him whopping doses of many drugs to 'ease his discomfort' or "relieve his pain", the buzz words of the past few administrations particularly the democratic administrations to wink-wink at killing with drugs. When doctors kill,and there is no punishment for it, watch out, because Nazi Medicine is knocking at the door.

Oops I forgot the footnote so adding it:
* Microsoft Advantage as it is called is supposed to protect the rightful owner of the Microsoft software but I am the rightful owner of about 4 computers with Microsoft on them. One of them I bought from Wal-Mart years ago brand new in 2003, one I bought from a thrift store in 2007 in pretty good condition, and one I bought from Office Depot afterwards, all loaded with Microsoft software. I registered the new ones with them -->>BIG MISTAKE! They know me to be prolife and opposed to the Democrats agenda for the world of depopulation, government takeover of everything,abortion and sodomy. Being politically correct and wanting to stay in the good graces of those who hand-out billions from Congress, Microsoft locked me out of my computer repeatedly for years! I had to totally disable my Vista software on my Office Depot computer to be able to get ANYTHING on my computer except a blank white screen with a small note at the bottom telling me the $600 computer I bought from Office Depot had stolen software on it! I had the Microsoft seal of authenticity, the disk they gave me at purchase of the software and fool that I was I bought an extended 2 yr warranty for an additional $90. Microsoft did nothing to replace it or make it right. I sent it back to the Office Depot via their courier and they supposedly repaired it and they KEPT the disk belonging to me and refused to send it back when I called to remind them, and then the next time I rebooted it said, it has stolen Microsoft software on it again, and so either Office Depot, or Microsoft or the Microsoft certfied repair shops that Gateway runs are lying or all of the merchants are. OR the other possibility which I think is more likely considering that if Office Depot continued to sell stolen merchandize they would lose customers and/or get arrested ..Microsoft does not mess around with theft of their 'software' that seems to remain theirs even after you spend $600 to get it. On the other hand, Google goes the extra mile to help people tryiong to find a way to raise themselves out of poverty and they offer many services for free, and for their paid for premium services of google apps they guarantee they will work for you 99% of the time. Microsoft guarantees you that IF they don't like you, the money you spend on their products will be in vain.
I had lunch and while thinking on this decided to write some that might help the public analyze the situation as it is not as they wish it were. I am presently writing on a computer that was a freebie to me since after Microsoft 'killed' my computers that I spent $859 for in 2003, and $600 plus tax for in 2007, and while I was trying to teach myself enough computer programming to rewrite the code of them so they were usuable again, I discovered that Microsoft was controlling my computer network yesterday even though I never signed up for, and have another isp that I pay for. I am reasonably sure that all the so-called 'viruses' and 'worms' are the doing of the propaganda teams of computer professionals like Carla Fioni who worked for hewlett-packard at the time I bought a hewlett packard in 2003 and was even then opposing abortion. But she is a Planned Parenthood column of activity and she used her inside knowledge gained by spying with microsoft software to disable my computer and when I reported that to the authorities she was somehow chastised supposedly for hewlett-packard spying. They send a new one every time the prolifers figure out how to bypass the old one or defeat it. After all Planned Parenthood though misnamed [since it is Planned Unparenthood at government expense, via Dept of Justice, Dept of Defense, etc, and usually labeled AIDS prevention, or 'health care' or 'reproductive services' or 'womens services' or ' blah, blah blah' but it always has billions of USD attached to it] is a BILLION dollar evil industry of killing, chopping and dicing humans. If I were a betting woman [but I am not and never was] I would bet that the so-called TARP funds included money to Planned Parenthood and to the fake biotech industries, and to the wireless, wi-fi, and computer companies such as Microsoft and hp that are determined to force socialism on the nation as they consider themselves 'agents of change' [remember Obama's slogan of propaganda, groupthink?].

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Prolifers in U S Senate: Strike while the iron is hot;

The news that Ted Kennedy is gone is not sad news for the preborn/unborn, since he was one of their worst enemies. GOD has done great things in removing that man from the Senate and also removing Obama from it, and also removing Hillary from it. The political climate to get prolife legislation passed has never been greater! The three most notorious prodeathers are gone from power to vote on public law, and thank GOD for that.

My daddy who is also dead since 2004 always taught not to speak ill of the dead, but I am not superstitious and I figure Kennedy has 50 years to repent. He was not naive after he got in that Senate as to the evil in the world and the goal of what the Congress was supposed to do. And that was not to annihilate the citizens or future citizens of these States.

Also, I would guess after reading the news that he was sailing at Cape Cod the day he died, that the evil plan he helped devise [hospice] got him. Did he die with a whopping dose of morphine IV to depress his respirations to respiratory arrest, coupled with thyroid pills to stop his heart, and diuretics to deplete his potassium, to make sure his heart stopped? Hospice has devised a killer 'cocktail' and it works immediately, I am sad to say. It killed two of my mother's siblings in the past few years. It is the other organization from hell, with the other other being that killing machine of Planned Parenthood that is misnamed since they do not intend for people to be parents.

Good bye Killer Kennedy! I am sure you went to hell, where those who kill millions go, and you were as guilty as if you had done it personally. Now if GOD would dispatch the rest in the Senate who are the accomplices to mass murders of millions, this nation might have a future after all.

/s/ Gloria Poole, @ Denver Colorado 80203; @ 10:30AM, 26-Aug-2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Watch out Google, PUSH-News is a trick.;DNC Fraud exposed

I am writing an open letter to Google CEOS and staffers for their news section:
Watch for the latest Obama trick of floating fake news article on your article in an effort to 'push' the public to an idea that it not true. Don't let the propaganda trick you. The op-ed pieces and propaganda fake news often writes what real newspapers would call paid opinion pieces and/or Public Relations info, and sends it to the news in an effort to disguise propaganda as news.

Also, I have this question for the public:
did you connect the dots between Obama's sudden burning desire to visit Cape Cod with the absence of the health care industry puppet = Ted Kennedy from the Senate, and the public's protest against the Kennedy-Clinton-Obama socialism of America plan? Do you smell a skunk? Because I do! That skunk Obama and that skunk Kennedy are trying to railroad Massachusetts into appointing someone Obama wants. Obama meddling in local politics again like the Gates fiasco. And don't forget the connection between Fox news and the catholic church and the Joe Bidens, and the Nancy Pelosi's and the Ted Kennedy's .

What I am calling PUSH-news is what the aftermath of Hitler's Goebbels called propaganda and I am calling it push-news because it is 'pushed' to phones, twitter, google news, yahoo news, i.m., etc by the propaganda team of the White House with help from Microsoft and the democrat Carla Fioni of previous hewlett-packard spy network.

/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. and artist in oils; Denver Colorado 80203 @ 11:28AM, 25-Aug-2009.
Also see for my latest website.

Update at 12:14 PM, same day after reading Bloomberg news article about the fraud of DNC fundraiser Nemazee, who is to appear in Court in NYC. The article says he defrauded Citibank of $$$$ 74 Million while funding Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Now we see the hot hurry of Obama to 'reform' health care since Nemazee has ties to 'health care industry, media, oil, and natural gas, and other industries' per Bloomberg writer, and Nemazee is a Democratic Party Fundraiser. Read the article at:
Also remember that Ted Kennedy has made fortunes with his underhanded and illegal connections to the drug industry and the killed-baby-processing-plants-falsely-named-biotech. If you don't know why the so called reform plan of Obama is 1000+ pages it is to obscure the intention to redirect taxpayer money to bail Nemazee, and pay off H Clintons' campaign debts, and cover the tracks of all the crooked DNC fund-raisers who used the internet to siphon money out of US Banks by the billions. I knew the Clintons, Obamas and Kennedys were involved in the plan to rig health care to redirect the health care dollars to fraudulent schemes. I knew it!
Update at 3:37 PM, same day:
about an hour after I complained about the illegal connection between SENATOR Kennedy [taking bribes and kickbacks in exchange for votes, is illegal}, my telephone rang and it was the catholic woman who runs the building I live in,for the city of Denver Housing; where I live because of injuries I suffered in the state of Colorado that the state does not want to pay to me the rightful victim's comp money for. This was the so-called consolation prize. The catholic manager of the building had asked me to give her a copy of my bank statement about a month ago, but I refused, saying it is none of her business how I spend my money, that is lawfully obtained. I went in person to DHA and they told me that they did not send me a request for a copy of my bank statement and that there was no log entry on the computer that anyone from DHA sent any such request to me. So I did not worry about it, as I am sure of my rights as a citizen. I do not have to disclose my bank statement to any aprt manager. Or to Denver Housing or the catholic church for that matter. I am not catholic and never was. Now here's the thing, today after writing this entry the catholic manager called me on the telephone and told me that DHA was throwing me out for what reason, she did not say. She threatened to put my stuff on the street, though my rent is paid up and though such tactics would surely be illegal in America. For some reason, she thinks she makes the rules for HUD and for DHA . Now I know she doesn't . Colorado has a catholic governor and he may be in on the scheme,but there are laws about such things. So I am posting this here to defy her. She is not my boss and she is a paid employee of Denver Housing it seems. She does not know the Constitution or the laws of the state. I know she is behind all of this because she told me the first year I moved here that "if I'd let her copy all my financial documents she would make my life easy'. I said no way. She then refused to allow me to use the elevator to go to the floor that has the washer and dryer on it, until I complied with her request to give her copies of my bank info. I did not comply and so I have to have to wash my clothes in the tub and hang them in my tiny aprt. I am not giving her copies of my bank statement, not now, not ever. I have the same liberties though poor as the rich people do. I am not giving her control of my income or of how I spend it or of my internet accounts, or of my life. I pay rent her that has always exceeded the 30% of my income as allowed by HUD,and it is for a dwelling not a prison cell. I am living here for a reason, and if Colorado paid me the adequate victim's comp that I am entitled too, because they refused to enforce the laws, and I was injured by a felon on cocaine who is known to be violent, I could live anywhere in the US since they would have to pay me what I earned as a Registered Nurse. But they through the catholic connections stole my ssi income, my food stamps, my AND funds, and now they want to steal the money I have left. The democratic-controlled court system of Colorado knows my exhusband does not pay me what they ordered him to pay and yet they do nothing to enforce that either. So writing on the internet is my only way of fighting back. And for certain, I am not giving any catholic that info knowingly or willingly since I am not willing to be in the catholic controlled database! I forgot to add that the same catholic manager forged my name to a document for DHA by using cut and paste then photocopying it,and DHA Manager at the
DHA office showed it to me. She is also the same person who told me I had to leave my aprt so the electrician could rewire it and insisted though the electrician did not insist. I did leave for a few hours and when I came back two of my containers that I store my things in,was sitting in the hallway emptied by thieves. I am defying her and DHA to try to take away my First Amendment liberties to criticize the catholics if I want too,and to criticize the government, if I want too [First Amendment liberty] and to retain possession of my possessions and my identity including my bank account. I also suspect she was somehow involved in that etrade fiasco in which a bank checking account was stolen from me since they mailed paperwork to me here. I also know for certain that a family services paper check mailed to me in the beginning did not come to me, but was intercepted by someone working in the office on first floor.
I did stop payment on it, but after that is when the money from the state of Colorado quit coming to me and started going to ??????
Update at 4:16 PM after remembering more of this two-year long event:
The same woman with the name of Nancy R intercepted a fax sent to me after she told me I had to move my car from the lot,that I was not allowed to keep a car on the lot. The federal judge gave me that car again after the District Court Judge had given it to me 18 months before that. I did sell that car for $150 because Nancy R insisted that I had to be able to stay here. The fax that was supposedly sent to me was sent to me by a catholic supposedly in California that just happens to tow away cars but the fax did not come to me but was intercepted by the office on first floor. They have intermittently turned off my water in my aprt, and send 'maintenance" here with no warning whatsoever . I am not their "beck and call girl"! Or anyone else's for that matter. I know the laws regarding tenancy and they have to abide by them the same as everyone else. Other people are allowed to have cars in the parking lot here but for some reason she was determined I was not going too and told me if I did not sell it, she'd tow it to her ??? .The battery in it was removed and the front tire was flattened after it was brought here on a flat bed truck. IF the government hired people who actually knew the laws of the U S what a relief that would be for everyone.
I had to sign back in again because I forgot this to tell: When I went to DHA at 777 Grant St to ask about Nancy R's demand for my bank statement, the woman working at DHA said I was 'recertified' in May of this year and that is 'good until next May'. Nancy told me on the phone today that since I did not give her the 'recertification' info [my bank statement was what was on the form she asked for] for July and that is why she said, "DHA would throw me out onto the street." I figure I have suffered a great deal of humiliation, injury, loss, deprivation since coming to Colorado and her threats don't intimidate me and I told her I 'd push it to a hearing since all people living here [I think about 170 people] might all be better off without a person in charge like Nancy R. that is a despot and does not go by the laws of either HUD, or DHA or the U S Constitution. It amounts to government invasion of privacy-- a violation of the Amendments to the U S Constitution-- and it amounts to coercion to not be allowed to use the washer dryer if I want to hold onto my meager income.And it amounts to extortion, and it amounts to violation of civil liberties to be threatened with eviction for protesting the catholic Kennedys. /s/ Gloria Poole, @ my home, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 4:35PM same day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama's Plan to Hijack Health Care & NY Times writers

I want to start this entry with the question, why don't all the NY Times' writers "Zombies" quit? Of course I would call them dinosaurs but the article in their news today uses that word so I will also. It makes the point that the economy tanked in the past two years but it entirely misses the obvious truth of who was in charge of Congress for the past two years? It was not Reagan. That is one tactic of the has-beens. They never look at the situation as it is, but as it was in a period of time when they don't want to pin the tail on the donkey but instead on the elephant.
Here's the other thing : it is not the purpose of the federal government to run an insurance company nor any company for that matter. They cannot have that as their primary goal therefore being a house divided not only would their insurance company fail [as have Medicare, Medicaid, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, and all other government-run 'companies' ] but their governance would also fail. JESUS said a "house divided against itself shall not stand" [Matthew 12: 25c, KJV].
How the NY Times continues to prosper is beyond me. Their writers with the exception of one, are dinosaurs on the internet highway, who seem to be taking money from other sources to write propaganda pieces. They are so far out of touch with mainstream America that it is a testimony to the largesse of someone's pocketbook that they continue, and have such huge salaries. It is difficult to even get the NY Times on the internet news because if you have your computer set to block active scripting [for security], they have about a jillion active scripts wanting to get your details IF you dare to want to read their 'news', and therefore it creates a dilemma: is that piece of news worth the risk of the loss of your identity, or name, or password, or bank account?
I have this theory that if the so-called news of the NY Times and the so-called news of the Washington Post went belly-up, the politics in this nation would change radically, because there would be no propaganda arm to suddenly appear to write for the Obamas, and the Clintons,and the Kennedys. The people would communicate with each other via email, I.M. , landlines, cell phones, handhelds, twitter, cans tied together with strings, whatever. A new and vibrant undercurrent is churning in this nation, and it does not have anything to do with the has-been socialists of the Nazi eras of Stalin-Kruschev-Roosevelt.
And here are my comments from the week-end that I want to continue on the top entry so I am readding them again:
I am a Registered Nurse, but I am also a Republican who believes in the Republican form of government. It is common sense that a man could better take care of his family [even his divorced family] than a bureaucracy 1700 miles away could. Or in the case of California a bureaucracy 3400 miles away. I worked for pay in health care for a long time as a Registered Nurse and I worked as a student in the public health care sector. I tell you plainly there is no comparison between privately paid for health care and publicly paid for health care. It is like comparing a Mercedes to a a broken down jalopy. The U S Congress knows that, and that is precisely why they have exempted themselves from any health care 'reform' of Obama's. The sort of health care that they get is not to be found anywhere else in the U S and they intend to keep it that way by their rules, regulations and takeover of health care dollars. There are some ways health care could be reformed and still have a liberty-based method, and I include some of my ideas, here:
1) give rewards by reducing taxes in direct proportion to how much is spent on health care insurance.
2) allow health care funds similar to 401ks that collect interest, have no penalty for withdrawals, guarantee the funds are not lost, [similar to FDIC] and that pays health care providers directly. Sort of a like a health care debit card system with one's own money saved from taxes.
3) teach individual responsibility for their families to the men in this nation beginning in childhood.
4) Garnish the wages of those deadbeat dads and no-good men who hurt women and then are told to pay them and don't; in order that the women could afford what they needed also for themselves and their children; instead of allowing, facilitating wayward immoral men keeping all their assets.
5) requiring mandatory science classes in which anatomy and physiology, and human development of a baby in the womb, and good health practices are taught as three separate classes, with grading as for any class required.
5) Require insurers to pay all claims of the sick, handicapped, elderly who pay premiums; and dispense with the so-called fraud prevention [prevent fraud at the level of the sign up] and put the millions that flow to those groups [fraud-prevention,PEER review, rationing panels] back into the care of the sick.
6) Do not spend health care dollars on preventions as an institutionalized process, since most health care preventions that work are free. Think of not smoking. Does a person need a payment of some kind to not smoke? Or not to overeat? Or not to eat scavengers? Good health care practices including abstaining from immoral, promiscuous, or perverted s-e-x* do not cost money to the people involved. For more on this topic visit another site of mine at and click the link at the bottom of the page to Optimum Health is Achievable, teachings by me as a R.N. and women who knows the health care laws of the Bible.
7) Take away the U S Congress's government provided health care and tell them to buy their own health care. They make a lot of money.
8) Take away the nationally run Bethesda Naval Hospital for the President, and staff and Congress and expect them to go to the same hospitals everyone else has to go too in the DC metro area.let the Bethesda Naval Hospital be for the Navy and the veterans who actually served this country with real risks involved.
* Hyphenated to avoid s-p-am-bots flooding my inbox with offers for;
These are my starter ideas on this subject of health care reform.
/s/ Gloria Poole, @ Denver Colorado 80203; 22-Aug-2009 @ 6:13PM
Update; I thought on this some more and am adding these ideas also:
continued from above:
9) make any person who injured another person seriously enough to require hospitalization, surgery and/or emergency room visits, pay all the costs of that into an escrow account to be paid to the providers, before any plea bargain is made and before any fines or punishments are set.
10) 'grandfather' in those who paid in to the system of Social Security and /or disability insurance, and are dependent upon it presently; and set the date of reform in the future so people have time to plan.
11) Make all felons pay a heavy fine [approx $10,000 equal to the fees that they normally pay into the legal system] to the support of local hospitals that provide indigent care.
12) Make drug companies provide free pharmaceuticals to those approved for Medicare Medicaid disability from their funds. Pharmaceutical companies are the richest entities in the US surpassing insurers, and banks in assets.
13) Stop funding 'biomedical' or any research with health care dollars. Expect so-called scientist to seek their funding as do other people.
14) Stop paying doctors to kill, including that evil subset named 'abortionists' from any government fund.
15) Stop paying for drug-addictions and drug-addiction-retraining-in-what-drug-to-use via Medicare, since that is not a qualifiable way of getting onto Medicare per the public law that began Medicare and disability laws.
/s/ Gloria Poole, Denver Co 80203, @ 7:23 AM, Mountain Time, 24-Aug-2009;
Update at 10:49AM same day after reading the s-c-am that con-man Made-off-with-other-folks-money guy {Madoff] is trying now. I guess he thinks it worked for that evil Ted Kennedy and the Lockerbie bomber so why not try it? It is well known around the world that the U S only fights terrorism on the soil of other nations,not in the U. S. And it seems from the news of the past week in which the same man arrested for stealing credit cards info via cybercrime in 2008 then released did it again on a much more massive scale of 130 MILLION credit card numbers stolen. The namby-pamby Obamites are soft on crime because they don't want black folks or minorities from Puerto Rico or aliens from Mexico to be punished, are being put to the test. Of course after that fiasco of Gates-Obama no-law-enforcement-drink-beer-on-lawn charade, no one really expects any law enforcement in the U S of white collar criminals, OR terrorists who kill, maim, bomb, injure. Obama needs those sort of folks to afford his every 6 month $10 MILLION dollar vacations.
Update at 11:58 AM same day:
I decided just now to change the title of this blog [one of my blogs] to a name that has belonged to me for years [Tapestry of Life] and modify it to suit this particular blog. My reasons for this title change are:
1) of Pennsylvania apparently a state where the concept of a married heterosexual woman divorcing and resuming her maiden name, as I did, is a foreign concept to them; and they said they think I am a different person than I was in the years of Dec 2002- Oct, 2007. I am a different person in some ways for certain: I have eleven pieces of metal in my leg, and ankle, a limp, a wobbly gait and I am a whole lot wiser than I was then about how evil some men are. But I am basically the same woman and I am definitely the same Christian.
2) It is a way of associating those years of my life with my continued writings, and efforts, and thus of building on the momentum of that instead of forsaking it totally. There is no TV show by that name since 2005 but the name itself I like still and it was mine to begin with and means a woven tapestry of beauty to me. My life is a woven tapestry of events for certain.It has nothing whatsoever to do with sodomy and/or lesbian evil behaviours except to protest them continuously.
3) It is also a way of connecting the dots for those who may know me from when I had the TV show by that name and also websites and from when I began with That is one of the domains that criminals/cybercriminals tried to steal from me with the help of Hillary Clinton, Arlen Specter, and Obama, when they used inside knowledge of my bank account acquired through court proceedings for divorce,and inside knowledge of my medical records to get my account info. But I am not quitting and the devil is not winning.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Health Care as Opposed to Health Financing; Other "Reforms'

I am a Registered Nurse, but I am also a Republican who believes in the Republican form of government. It is common sense that a man could better take care of his family [even his divorced family] than a bureaucracy 1700 miles away could. Or in the case of California a bureaucracy 3400 miles away. I worked for pay in health care for a long time as a Registered Nurse and I worked as a student in the public health care sector. I tell you plainly there is no comparison between privately paid for health care and publicly paid for health care. It is like comparing a Mercedes to a a broken down jalopy. The U S Congress knows that, and that is precisely why they have exempted themselves from any health care 'reform' of Obama's. The sort of health care that they get is not to be found anywhere else in the U S and they intend to keep it that way by their rules, regulations and takeover of health care dollars. There are some ways health care could be reformed and still have a liberty-based method, and I include some of my ideas, here:
1) give rewards by reducing taxes in direct proportion to how much is spent on health care insurance.
2) allow health care funds similar to 401ks that collect interest, have no penalty for withdrawals, guarantee the funds are not lost, [similar to FDIC] and that pays health care providers directly. Sort of a like a health care debit card system with one's own money saved from taxes.
3) teach individual responsibility for their families to the men in this nation beginning in childhood.
4) Garnish the wages of those deadbeat dads and no-good men who hurt women and then are told to pay them and don't; in order that the women could afford what they needed also for themselves and their children; instead of allowing, facilitating wayward immoral men keeping all their assets.
5) requiring mandatory science classes in which anatomy and physiology, and human development of a baby in the womb, and good health practices are taught as three separate classes, with grading as for any class required.
5) Require insurers to pay all claims of the sick, handicapped, elderly who pay premiums; and dispense with the so-called fraud prevention [prevent fraud at the level of the sign up] and put the millions that flow to those groups [fraud-prevention,PEER review, rationing panels] back into the care of the sick.
6) Do not spend health care dollars on preventions since most health care preventions that work are free. Think of not smoking. Does a person need a payment of some kind to not smoke? Or not to overeat? Or not to eat scavengers? Good health care practices including abstaining from immoral, promiscuous, or perverted s-e-x* do not cost money to the people involved. For more on this topic visit another site of mine at and click the link at the bottom of the page to Optimum Health is Achievable, teachings by me as a R.N. and women who knows the health care laws of the Bible.
7) Take away the U S Congress's government provided health care and tell them to buy their own health care. They make a lot of money.
8) Take away the nationally run Bethesda Naval Hospital for the President, and staff and Congress and expect them to go to the same hospitals everyone else has to go too in the DC metro area.
* Hyphenated to avoid s-p-am-bots flooding my inbox with offers for;
These are my starter ideas on this subject of health care reform.
/s/ Gloria Poole, @ Denver Colorado 80203; 22-Aug-2009 @ 6:13PM
Update; I thought on this some more and am adding these ideas also:
continued from above:
9) make any person who injured another person seriously enough to require hospitalization, surgery and/or emergency room visits, pay all the costs of that into an escrow account to be paid to the providers, before any plea bargain is made and before any fines or punishments are set.
10) 'grandfather' in those who paid in to the system of Social Security and /or disability insurance, and are dependent upon it presently; and set the date of reform in the future so people have time to plan.
11) Make all felons pay a heavy fine [approx $10,000 equal to the fees that they normally pay into the legal system] to the support of local hospitals that provide indigent care.
12) Make drug companies provide free pharmaceuticals to those approved for Medicare Medicaid disability from their funds. Pharmaceutical companies are the richest entities in the US surpassing insurers, and banks in assets.
13) Stop funding 'biomedical' or any research with health care dollars. Expect so-called scientist to seek their funding as do other people.
14) Stop paying doctors that kill, including that evil subset named 'abortionists' from any government fund.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Communist Obama blocking/frying private computers AGAIN

I read the fake headlines about how Afghanistan is blocking the news.It is the U S Pentagon protecting Obama from speech, that is blocking bloggers, and twitter, and the methods of communicating with other citizens.Don't be fooled by Obama's latest media trick. He is the person blocking the news not Afghanistan. Colorado is not a territory of Mexico yet nor of Afghanistan but they use the same tactics with abuse of power from idolator Ritter in the Governor's office.What a pity that corrupt man does not resign. This nation would be enormously better off if we sent all of the comrades of Obama the Clintons the Pelosis the Kennedys and the wicked on the Supreme Court to Afghanistan.
It is 1:27 PM on 18-Aug-2009 and since about 8 AM I have been trying to prevent the federal government from frying my computer. Obama and his voodoo krewe would fit right with North Korea,no doubt why they sent comrade B Clinton there to get his trade secrets of blocking all communications across the nation.

I really hate Obama. I merely disapproved of his baby-killing-schemes and his methods before but now I HATE him. He and his computer hackers have tried to prevent me from sending my photos of my two daughters and my grandchildren to my sister's computer in the state of Georgia. I know that Harvard does not recognize the state of Georgia they only recognize Puerto Rico non-citizens and Mexican non-citizens, and comrades from North Korea. And Obama and his voodoo krewe have snooped into my bank account and my health care [through the ungodly and not for health care so-called clinic on Stout St in Colorado where i had to go when injured seriously by my then husband the man from hell.[divorced from devil named Dana Ben Pappas or Dana Papas as he spells it since Dec 2008 to avoid the stupid and wicked cops of Denver being able to locate him on their so-called database of felons.]

Don't you red-blooded Americans really hate comrade Obama? Because I despise him for trying to destroy my computer; and he did that because I do not take bribes and kickbacks from BIG DRUG COMPANIES and BIG BABY KILLING INDUSTRY, nor BIG Baby-shredding-decapitating-industry, NOR FROM BIG CIGARETTE AND ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES as he does. And I have to have the computers I could afford since being prolife and christian makes one immediately suspect in the eyes of communist homeland defense. The communist change agents cannot win the battle. PRAY those of you who KNOW GOD and know HE does not condone killing policies of those who believe that they have a so-called right to kill when GOD said 'thou shalt not kill". And don't forget that jezebel Hillary Clinton from hell. She is the woman whose computer-hackers destroyed my christian websites for opposing her campaign and she and that perverts-best-friend named Arlen Specter from the state from hell named Pennsylvania, misused their power to take down my websites for opposing sodomy and sin of abortion and those who promote sin as a lifestyle. I believe the U S has the most wicked administration that it ever had in its history.

I am similar to Obama's preacher that he dumped during his campaign; and that means I am praying for GOD to defeat the evil in America and Obama too.
signed Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse and artist in oils @ 1:34PM 18-Aug=2009 @ Denver Colorado 80203

Friday, August 14, 2009

It is totally American to protest unjust gov't that kills.

I have read some of the news about how the socialists in Congress are trying to stick labels of unamerican on those of us citizens who repel the idea of government takeover of everything. I am reminded of the Declaration of Independence, and if you substitute in the democrats where it says the king then you have the same situation in the U S today, of a government usurping the lives, wealth, and liberty of the citizens. Here is a copy of the Declaration of Independence as it is written:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

— John Hancock [original first signer and writer of it]
posted here by Gloria Poole @ 4:52PM, 14-Augu-2009 @ Denver Colorado 80203
And reposting my comments from yesterday as part of my personal protests against the socialist Obama party :
I want to preface these remarks to remind you that my R N license is in my name of Gloria Poole as it was during this event I am about to tell you about. I was married a second time for four years and ten months and that is when I started this blog. Because it has those years of my writing on it, I continue it even though I am divorced a second time and removed the Pappas name from my name by Court order.
I remind you of that in case people do background checking on me to see if I am telling you the truth. I am a Registered Nurse for a long time,and I though I do not work in nursing at present, I did for about 25 years or more. I want to add to the discussion on health care with this:
Years ago, I was the Administrative Supervisor of a Trauma-designated hospital, and in that job I had the duties of supervising all departments of the hospital and making decisions in the absence of the Administrator in the event of need to evacuate hospital, transfer patients to a different hospital if their needs could not be met at the one I worked for, making critical care decisions if the attending doctor could not be contacted,and making rounds on every unit of the hospital at least once a shift to 'eyeball' them and see how it was going on the units. One day one of the R.N.s on a particular unit paged me stat to come and see a patient on that unit that had suffered some sort of sudden event that was causing extreme shortness of breath, and blue nail-beds, and she was grabbing everyone that came by, clutching at them telling them she could not breathe. When I got to the unit, it was as described to me, and I quickly read the background medical info and realized that what she was admitted for, was not what she was experiencing at that moment. I paged her attending doctor, no immediate returned call. I paged the ER doctor, he was busy in ER. I thought based upon her symptoms and color of her fingernail beds that she was not getting enough oxygen and thought she may have thrown a pulmonary embolus. The ICU was the only place in the hospital that had the written guidelines [protocols] to intubate her without an additional doctor's order in the event she crashed totally and ceased to breathe or had cardiac arrest. I used my authority to write an order to move her to the ICU immediately and helped the floor nurses do that. She survived. Now, I wrote all of that to get to this point: the next day when the Administrator was back in her office, she called me to her office.She chewed me out. She said I should not have put that patient in the ICU. I asked why not since she met the medical criteria for that of impending event, obvious signs of respiratory distress, a sense of impending doom [she experienced and told everyone] and no contact with her doctor was imminent. The Administrator said to me, 'that woman has no insurance and the hospital will not get paid for her. What you did is cost the hospital money." I said, 'what I did was save the woman's life.' She said local authorities no longer want to pay for uninsured patients because the federal government has made it clear that they don't think they should have too. ' I said too bad. I am in the career to save lives not necessarily money'. She said, 'in the future she would expect me to make decisions on what is best for the hospitals' bottom line. " I said no, I would not, but what is best for human life." She said 'if i felt that way I might not be the best person for the job of Administrative Supervisor." I said, she might be right if she expected me to be a numbers cruncher first and not a nurse. And she said was that my decision? And I said, yes, and I quit. She was a business person not a nurse or a doctor, and her credentials were making money.
Now my other point is that local hospitals routinely provided for their local patients and local taxes supported them until the federal government got involved and started telling hospitals they were going to 'manage' health care and pay them for their losses. The federal government shifted the burden of all losses to communities to the national taxpayers instead of the local ones,and at the same time,they created a situation where any patient needed some sort of health care card [insurance pretender or something saying some third party would decide if they got paid or not] to be admitted to any part of the hospital. Then when that back-fired, they wrote another rule saying hospitals could not 'dump' critical patients, or transfer them to anywhere for any reason, unless fed approved [with their protocols instead of local ones or medical decisions]. Then when that back-fired because local ERs became reluctant to accept anyone into them for fear they would have to admit them for long term at their expense, they wrote more rules, and more rules and created more panels to decide who should get health care. And the needs of patients became further and further away from the priority and in the hands of government bureaucrats instead of in the hands of doctors and nurses, who had the training and expertise to make those decisions.
Now in Denver Colorado the ngo classes prepping people to choose death are already happening. They call it discussing 'end of life decisions' but it is setting people up to decide they would rather die a death they 'controlled' than fight for life. I HATE those sort of propaganda evil sessions. Do NOT ever sign away your life or your right to life to anyone. Do not go to sessions intended to persuade you that a peaceful drugged to death death is better than a natural one. Do not listen to those who think killing is a 'right'. GOD said killing is always a wrong when HE wrote in stone the words, "thou shalt not kill' that are recorded in Exodus 20:13, and also Deuteronomy.
/s/ Gloria Poole,R.N. and artist, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 7:57AM, 13-Aug-2009
Update at 8:36 AM after thinking on this some more, and realizing I could add more from my personal experiences as a patient in the past 3 years. In 2006 I suffered and survived a catatrosphic event of crashing down a flight of stairs when my then husband was violating the mandatory restraining order against him and had come to my aprt to 'prevent me from leaving the state' [he said] to attend my nieces's wedding in the state of Georgia. After hours of his harassment/ pressuring me/ arguing with me whether I had the 'right' to go if he could not go [he was on probation and could not get permission to leave the state] he told me to get in the car, but he had already told me he would kill me in the car and make it look like an accident. Anyway, I crashed down a flight of stairs and I had multiple fractures and a concussion.And he deliberately twisted my ankle after I said it was broken, to make it worst so I 'could not leave' he said. Though I went to the ER for the Univ of Colorado they did not want to give me any health care because I had no health care card so they dumped me after xraying me to tell me I had fractures but did not xray any part of me except my ankle that the EMT's had splinted. So they sent me home in a cab at my expense and I crawled up 28 steps like an infant to get home into a simi-safe place.Semi-safe because it was only safe as long as my then-husband was not there but he was often. The Univ of Colorado sent me home with multiple fractures and to a violent husband to avoid any expenses for me, though supposedly my then husband had insurance with his employer that he told me was required but apparently he not only told Univ of Colorado he had no insurance but that i was not his wife and he would not be responsible for me, or my bills, so they insisted I sign my own admission to ER form, but after they xrayed me to see that I had multiple fractures they realized they were not likely to get paid and so they discharged me home. I did not realize at the time how injured I was--it took a year to get to the point where I could find my way home --I would get lost, confused, disoriented, start crying, become overwhelmed with the slightest decision. It took another year to begin to think coherently and recognize misspelled words and backward letters. I am still having problems for that crash down those stairs. After that event, I had pneumonia,and I was reasonably sure it was because I had it years before and it felt the same and I went to the free clinic in lo-do Denver area, where the poor supposedly get health care since I had no money, no job, no support from then-separated husband who moved out when he fled the scene to avoid arrest when he injured me, and no hope of survival without some sort of intervention. I was crying hysterically. They diagnosed me as 'insane" I think, though i did not see my medical record --only knew what they prescribed--not antibiotics that I needed and they refused to look at my very swollen leg that had nails in it after I had had surgery to repair the fractures; but that surgery was not at the Univ of Colorado obviously.That would have cost the State of Colorado money! [I found an orthopedic doctor in the yellow pages and told him what happened and he helped me-he is a very good private doctor who helped me from the goodness of his heart, so the good deed I did years before was returned to me when he operated on me to save my ability to walk.]I am divorced from that violent bad man now and thank GOD! No one xrayed my head though my brain sloshed and no one would listen to me but say I was hysterical. I survived an event that almost killed me and a worst fall at an older age than Natasha Richardson who did not survive a fall.I am not ancient but older than she was.
Now back to the " free clinic" event in my life. I went to the free clinic from absolute desperation and needing intervention but they did not help me.I did not take their mind-altering drugs because they were harmful to me and dropped my BP but even though the nurse there told me it dropped my BP 30 pts, the Physicians Assistant told me that I just needed to continue to take it even though my BP fell so low I could not function and nearly collapsed from the one dose of it I did take. And they stuck their labels on me as poor, not worthy of real health care or of an xray for complaints in my chest, and ignored my physical injuries and physical complaints and incoherent speech, and told me I just needed those anti-pyschotic drugs. I did not need those. I needed antibiotics for recurrent pneumonia and I needed bedrest for my leg that was incredibly swollen and purplish at that time, and I probably also needed oxygen since by the time I did get some real medical attention my S.A.T. on my blood was below acceptable level for hospitalized patients. I felt like Alice who fell through the looking glass into the Mad_Hatters place of the underworld. Nothing made any sense to me, not the people, not the so-called health care clinic, and not the orders written for me. I had pneumonia for almost two months time and actually thought I might die of it, before I actually got any help. I have survived socialized medicine [the free clinics is the vision of the 'reformed' health care where they don't want to dispense any real medicine that might cause them legal problems so they tell everyone that they are psychotic and put them on mind altering drugs so they won't know when they steal from them]. I will never go back to that clinic ! And I will never tell anyone else too either. The reform of those clinics is a trend that started about 20 years ago when conscientous doctors wanted to help the poor and then the government got involved and wanted them to do 'cancer screening' to siphon off the money needed to pay for chest xrays for those who were sick to those who were not sick [mammograms]; and to pay for blood tests for those who had no cancer called cancer screening [PSAs I think is term for men]; but not to pay for blood testing to those who might have bacteria in their blood [as I did probably when sick]; and it put a government spin on health care because they are run by charities seeking government approval and not for the sake of the best for the sick or handicapped.
I could write a book on this and someday I hope to be able to do that. I have short sessions of 'productive' efforts and then long periods of rest still trying to get my life back on track somehow from events that should not have happened; and which the State of Colorado never saw fit to punish my now exhusband because they considered him employed and knew he was giving intimate massages to those in high ranking positions. But they considered me merely an unwanted exwife of no value to anyone.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

More of My Experiences as Reg Nurse on health care topic

I want to preface these remarks to remind you that my R N license is in my name of Gloria Poole as it was during this event I am about to tell you about. I was married a second time for four years and ten months and that is when I started this blog. Because it has those years of my writing on it, I continue it even though I am divorced a second time and removed the Pappas name from my name by Court order.
I remind you of that in case people do background checking on me to see if I am telling you the truth. I am a Registered Nurse for a long time,and I though I do not work in nursing at present, I did for about 25 years or more. I want to add to the discussion on health care with this:
Years ago, I was the Administrative Supervisor of a Trauma-designated hospital, and in that job I had the duties of supervising all departments of the hospital and making decisions in the absence of the Administrator in the event of need to evacuate hospital, transfer patients to a different hospital if their needs could not be met at the one I worked for, making critical care decisions if the attending doctor could not be contacted,and making rounds on every unit of the hospital at least once a shift to 'eyeball' them and see how it was going on the units. One day one of the R.N.s on a particular unit paged me stat to come and see a patient on that unit that had suffered some sort of sudden event that was causing extreme shortness of breath, and blue nail-beds, and she was grabbing everyone that came by, clutching at them telling them she could not breathe. When I got to the unit, it was as described to me, and I quickly read the background medical info and realized that what she was admitted for, was not what she was experiencing at that moment. I paged her attending doctor, no immediate returned call. I paged the ER doctor, he was busy in ER. I thought based upon her symptoms and color of her fingernail beds that she was not getting enough oxygen and thought she may have thrown a pulmonary embolus. The ICU was the only place in the hospital that had the written guidelines [protocols] to intubate her without an additional doctor's order in the event she crashed totally and ceased to breathe or had cardiac arrest. I used my authority to write an order to move her to the ICU immediately and helped the floor nurses do that. She survived. Now, I wrote all of that to get to this point: the next day when the Administrator was back in her office, she called me to her office.She chewed me out. She said I should not have put that patient in the ICU. I asked why not since she met the medical criteria for that of impending event, obvious signs of respiratory distress, a sense of impending doom [she experienced and told everyone] and no contact with her doctor was imminent. The Administrator said to me, 'that woman has no insurance and the hospital will not get paid for her. What you did is cost the hospital money." I said, 'what I did was save the woman's life.' She said local authorities no longer want to pay for uninsured patients because the federal government has made it clear that they don't think they should have too. ' I said too bad. I am in the career to save lives not necessarily money'. She said, 'in the future she would expect me to make decisions on what is best for the hospitals' bottom line. " I said no, I would not, but what is best for human life." She said 'if i felt that way I might not be the best person for the job of Administrative Supervisor." I said, she might be right if she expected me to be a numbers cruncher first and not a nurse. And she said was that my decision? And I said, yes, and I quit. She was a business person not a nurse or a doctor, and her credentials were making money.
Now my other point is that local hospitals routinely provided for their local patients and local taxes supported them until the federal government got involved and started telling hospitals they were going to 'manage' health care and pay them for their losses. The federal government shifted the burden of all losses to communities to the national taxpayers instead of the local ones,and at the same time,they created a situation where any patient needed some sort of health care card [insurance pretender or something saying some third party would decide if they got paid or not] to be admitted to any part of the hospital. Then when that back-fired, they wrote another rule saying hospitals could not 'dump' critical patients, or transfer them to anywhere for any reason, unless fed approved [with their protocols instead of local ones or medical decisions]. Then when that back-fired because local ERs became reluctant to accept anyone into them for fear they would have to admit them for long term at their expense, they wrote more rules, and more rules and created more panels to decide who should get health care. And the needs of patients became further and further away from the priority and in the hands of government bureaucrats instead of in the hands of doctors and nurses, who had the training and expertise to make those decisions.
Now in Denver Colorado the ngo classes prepping people to choose death are already happening. They call it discussing 'end of life decisions' but it is setting people up to decide they would rather die a death they 'controlled' than fight for life. I HATE those sort of propaganda evil sessions. Do NOT ever sign away your life or your right to life to anyone. Do not go to sessions intended to persuade you that a peaceful drugged to death death is better than a natural one. Do not listen to those who think killing is a 'right'. GOD said killing is always a wrong when HE wrote in stone the words, "thou shalt not kill' that are recorded in Exodus 20:13, and also Deuteronomy.
/s/ Gloria Poole,R.N. and artist, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 7:57AM, 13-Aug-2009
Update at 8:36 AM after thinking on this some more, and realizing I could add more from my personal experiences as a patient in the past 3 years. In 2006 I suffered and survived a catatrosphic event of crashing down a flight of stairs when my then husband was violating the mandatory restraining order against him and had come to my aprt to 'prevent me from leaving the state' [he said] to attend my nieces's wedding in the state of Georgia. After hours of his harassment/ pressuring me/ arguing with me whether I had the 'right' to go if he could not go [he was on probation and could not get permission to leave the state] he told me to get in the car, but he had already told me he would kill me in the car and make it look like an accident. Anyway, I crashed down a flight of stairs and I had multiple fractures and a concussion.And he deliberately twisted my ankle after I said it was broken, to make it worst so I 'could not leave' he said. Though I went to the ER for the Univ of Colorado they did not want to give me any health care because I had no health care card so they dumped me after xraying me to tell me I had fractures but did not xray any part of me except my ankle that the EMT's had splinted. So they sent me home in a cab at my expense and I crawled up 28 steps like an infant to get home into a simi-safe place.Semi-safe because it was only safe as long as my then-husband was not there but he was often. The Univ of Colorado sent me home with multiple fractures and to a violent husband to avoid any expenses for me, though supposedly my then husband had insurance with his employer that he told me was required but apparently he not only told Univ of Colorado he had no insurance but that i was not his wife and he would not be responsible for me, or my bills, so they insisted I sign my own admission to ER form, but after they xrayed me to see that I had multiple fractures they realized they were not likely to get paid and so they discharged me home. I did not realize at the time how injured I was--it took a year to get to the point where I could find my way home --I would get lost, confused, disoriented, start crying, become overwhelmed with the slightest decision. It took another year to begin to think coherently and recognize misspelled words and backward letters. I am still having problems for that crash down those stairs. After that event, I had pneumonia,and I was reasonably sure it was because I had it years before and it felt the same and I went to the free clinic in lo-do Denver area, where the poor supposedly get health care since I had no money, no job, no support from then-separated husband who moved out when he fled the scene to avoid arrest when he injured me, and no hope of survival without some sort of intervention. I was crying hysterically. They diagnosed me as 'insane" I think, though i did not see my medical record --only knew what they prescribed--not antibiotics that I needed and they refused to look at my very swollen leg that had nails in it after I had had surgery to repair the fractures; but that surgery was not at the Univ of Colorado obviously.That would have cost the State of Colorado money! [I found an orthopedic doctor in the yellow pages and told him what happened and he helped me-he is a very good private doctor who helped me from the goodness of his heart, so the good deed I did years before was returned to me when he operated on me to save my ability to walk.]I am divorced from that violent bad man now and thank GOD! No one xrayed my head though my brain sloshed and no one would listen to me but say I was hysterical. I survived an event that almost killed me and a worst fall at an older age than Natasha Richardson who did not survive a fall.I am not ancient but older than she was.
Now back to the " free clinic" event in my life. I went to the free clinic from absolute desperation and needing intervention but they did not help me.I did not take their mind-altering drugs because they were harmful to me and dropped my BP but even though the nurse there told me it dropped my BP 30 pts, the Physicians Assistant told me that I just needed to continue to take it even though my BP fell so low I could not function and nearly collapsed from the one dose of it I did take. And they stuck their labels on me as poor, not worthy of real health care or of an xray for complaints in my chest, and ignored my physical injuries and physical complaints and incoherent speech, and told me I just needed those anti-pyschotic drugs. I did not need those. I needed antibiotics for recurrent pneumonia and I needed bedrest for my leg that was incredibly swollen and purplish at that time, and I probably also needed oxygen since by the time I did get some real medical attention my S.A.T. on my blood was below acceptable level for hospitalized patients. I felt like Alice who fell through the looking glass into the Mad_Hatters place of the underworld. Nothing made any sense to me, not the people, not the so-called health care clinic, and not the orders written for me. I had pneumonia for almost two months time and actually thought I might die of it, before I actually got any help. I have survived socialized medicine [the free clinics is the vision of the 'reformed' health care where they don't want to dispense any real medicine that might cause them legal problems so they tell everyone that they are psychotic and put them on mind altering drugs so they won't know when they steal from them]. I will never go back to that clinic ! And I will never tell anyone else too either. The reform of those clinics is a trend that started about 20 years ago when conscientous doctors wanted to help the poor and then the government got involved and wanted them to do 'cancer screening' to siphon off the money needed to pay for chest xrays for those who were sick to those who were not sick [mammograms]; and to pay for blood tests for those who had no cancer called cancer screening [PSAs I think is term for men]; but not to pay for blood testing to those who might have bacteria in their blood [as I did probably when sick]; and it put a government spin on health care because they are run by charities seeking government approval and not for the sake of the best for the sick or handicapped.
I could write a book on this and someday I hope to be able to do that. I have short sessions of 'productive' efforts and then long periods of rest still trying to get my life back on track somehow from events that should not have happened; and which the State of Colorado never saw fit to punish my now exhusband because they considered him employed and knew he was giving intimate massages to those in high ranking positions. But they considered me merely an unwanted exwife of no value to anyone.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What Obama Doesn't know would fill an ocean

It appalls me that a bunch of lawyers are trying to 'reform' health care when they have no clue what health care is! They have no intention of improving health care. Their goal is to capture the health care dollars and pretend to give every able bodied person in the U S the 'sense' of having something . If they applied the same principles to for instance the car industry and they said every person in America had the 'right' to own a car and drive one, and that car manufacturers had to revise their sales prices, and their marketing, and their rules so even the poorest could afford a car, then there would be no Mercedes, or Ferraris,or Jaguars, or Lincoln Towncars, or BMW [beemers affectionately] or Lexus models but instead all versions of fancy motorized scooter-sized cars with no features such as air-conditioning etc. If they applied the same rules to the legal profession that they are trying to force onto the public for health care, then everyone person would be guaranteed a lawyer when they needed one, and every person especially women would probably be better off after divorce and after violence against them, and every person could sue everybody. But of course rich lawyers do not want to socialize lawyering just doctoring, because then rich lawyers would not get rich, just guaranteed a small income for doing nothing for their clients.
And for Obama's statement in the public schools where he is taking his propaganda like snake oil on the road, about not having death panels, that is so much hooey, piled high and deep. They don't call them death panels but that is the function of them and in reality they have existed since the late 80's when Peer Review came into political correctness.A bunch of people [and then it was Registered Nurses doing the review but now it is high school graduates with a set of insurance rules] from a distance looked at the aspects of a medical record that the facility chose to send to them and applied a set of rules to it, called protocols. And if the person requesting some health care method met a set of rules [called protocols] then they got 'prior approval'. And if they didn't, they didn't. There are many panels of this sort operating and that is true since the 80s when unlicensed and unskilled insurance company representatives would call into the ICU [ Critical Care Unit] and ask the nurses when they planned to move so-and-so patient out of the ICU since it was so expensive? I know for fact that is true because I worked as a float in the ICU intermittently; and in the Shock-Trauma Unit years ago, and had to deal with those nuisance calls from insurance companies too. Here is what you have to remember: health insurance only makes money IF it does not pay out money. IF it pays out money, it does not make money, so they set the rules to pay-out as little of the money they take in as possible. That is true whether the government runs the program or private insurers do.
The reason Obama wants to socialize the health care system is because of Medicare--because it does pay for health care for the elderly and for the handicapped, but those are two segments of the economy not deemed to be necessary to the sort of world Obama envisions as he plans his annihilation of human babies around the world, trick. The Medicare program --a taste of the concept of everybody paying in something and some people getting health care--was teetering on bankruptcy in the 80's and the drug bill to facilitate cheap or free drugs a la old Ted Kennedy did it in,completely, adding trillions to the cost of the program. Now Obama and his phony economists who think still that swindling the public is the best method to accomplish those million dollar perqs for the 'elite' in office in high places, are trying to 'reform' the program because it was paying out money to provide health care to the elderly and handicapped [disability folks of any age].And don't forget they 'reformed' Medicare to pay for dialysis forever for those whose bodies were so systemically sick as to destroy their own kidneys,20 years ago, and then they 'reformed' it again to pay that ungodly from hell organization named hospice that gets paid to kill off the sick and elderly. So look out. When the President goes on the road to sell his propaganda [minus the bullhorn, that'd be a dead give-away] he is lying through his teeth. Of course he may actually believe the propaganda he learned at Harvard and via his socialist upbringing where he got a lot of perqs and education for no reason except the color of his skin; and socialism has been very good to him and Harvard nincompoop Gates too. Those who got where they are by means of socialism instead of hard work, think socialism is the answer to everything.
Don't listen to Obama. He does not know what he is talking about. He is not a medical doctor and did not put a medical doctor as head of Health and Human Services precisely because medical doctors really hate socialized medicine and its multitudinous forms to complete BEFORE they are given 'permission' by an unskilled and ignorant person to proceed.
Just vote NO to socialized medicine what ever label Obama and his voodoo krewe stick on it.
/s/ Gloria Poole, R.N. licensed in Colorado, and artist, Denver Colorado 80203 @ 3:17PM, 1-Aug-2009