Wednesday, January 31, 2007

MIT denies tenure to Christian PROLIFE Scientist

In the Life Site news today, there is an article by Gudrun Schultz that supplied the basics that causes me to want to protest MIT.
I knew I did not like MIT when they tried to censor my religious speech and writings when my daughter was in the Peace Corps. However, the news today is more proof that MIT is hostile to Christians and especially to prolifers. Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] denied tenure to Christian, Baptist prolife scientist Dr James Sherley because he did not go along with evil to get along with the tenure committee. Dr Sherley is a friend of the preborn and he opposes the destruction of human embryoes and so do I. Labeling the premeditated killing of innocent human beings as a "right" or a "science" or a "medical experiment" is an abomination to any who believe there is A GOD and ONLY ONE GOD and that GOD is named Jehovah, [Hebrew} or Al-Lah [Muslim} or Jesus [Christian, really for all; THE MESSIAH]. Dr Sherley is an asset to MIT and they should reward him not persecute him; but if they do not repent, then all Jewish, Christian and Muslim students should avoid that place like the bubonic plague.

The evil that is perpetrated as "knowledge" in the US turns my stomach. The issues of whether killing is a so called right or a medical experiment or human research is not a new topic to any person who believes in GOD. GOD wrote in stone, 'thou shalt not kill" and that message is repeated often in THE BOOK, The Holy BIBLE. The Jews especially should rise up and fight MIT like their very lives depended upon it, because history shows that when a nation becomes corrupt and starts killing for political reasons, the Jews are usually caught up in it some way. Embryonic stem cell research violates EVERY principle of the Nuremberg Code of Laws about human research that were internationally accepted after the trial of the Nazi Regime killers. If you doubt that then study those laws especially the principles that the human being researched must give informed consent in writing [how could an embryoe do that?] and that the experiment must not maim or kill the human, {human embryoes are human from human parents with human DNA] that the human being being experimented on must have the right and the opportunity to change the mind and withdraw from the research, and that if the researcher realizes that deformity or death might result to the human being researched he or she has a moral duty to end the research immediately, and other principles defined by Nuremberg trial.

I add my testimony to the opposition against MIT. Massachusetts in general has become a vile place and the Christians living there IF there are any, should move to more life affirming states. When I first became aware of the killing that is being done in hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers, I was stunned.
I had the misfortune of working in the operating room as a Reg Nurse and I witnessed as the RN circulator, at the time what I was told was "cleaning up after a spontaneous abortion" that caused THE HOLY SPIRIT to trouble my spirit. I realized after the fact that it was probably an abortion on that unfortunate woman because of the way the surgeon spoke about it, the lack of medical facts that would have supported that claim on the chart, the woman's reaction. I was horrified and I felt betrayed by the place I worked and as if " health care" had become truly evil in some places and in some specialities. The next time such a case was presented I asked point blank questions: is this case an abortion?" The deceit and treachery of those who kill the innocents is another identifying characteristic of the devil, the other being thieving.. John 10:10 is written, JESUS said, 'the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." [King James Holy Bible]

MIT denies tenure to Christian PROLIFE Scientist

In the Life Site news today, there is an article by Gudrun Schultz that supplied the basics that causes me to want to protest MIT.
I knew I did not like MIT when they tried to censor my religious speech and writings when my daughter was in the Peace Corps. However, the news today is more proof that MIT is hostile to Christians and especially to prolifers. Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] denied tenure to Christian, Baptist prolife scientist Dr James Sherley because he did not go along with evil to get along with the tenure committee. Dr Sherley is a friend of the preborn and he opposes the destruction of human embryoes and so do I. Labeling the premeditated killing of innocent human beings as a "right" or a "science" or a "medical experiment" is an abomination to any who believe there is A GOD and ONLY ONE GOD and that GOD is named Jehovah, [Hebrew} or Al-Lah [Muslim} or Jesus [Christian, really for all; THE MESSIAH]. Dr Sherley is an asset to MIT and they should reward him not persecute him; but if they do not repent, then all Jewish, Christian and Muslim students should avoid that place like the bubonic plague.

The evil that is perpetrated as "knowledge" in the US turns my stomach. The issues of whether killing is a so called right or a medical experiment or human research is not a new topic to any person who believes in GOD. GOD wrote in stone, 'thou shalt not kill" and that message is repeated often in THE BOOK, The Holy BIBLE. The Jews especially should rise up and fight MIT like their very lives depended upon it, because history shows that when a nation becomes corrupt and starts killing for political reasons, the Jews are usually caught up in it some way. Embryonic stem cell research violates EVERY principle of the Nuremberg Code of Laws about human research that were internationally accepted after the trial of the Nazi Regime killers. If you doubt that then study those laws especially the principles that the human being researched must give informed consent in writing [how could an embryoe do that?] and that the experiment must not maim or kill the human, {human embryoes are human from human parents with human DNA] that the human being being experimented on must have the right and the opportunity to change the mind and withdraw from the research, and that if the researcher realizes that deformity or death might result to the human being researched he or she has a moral duty to end the research immediately, and other principles defined by Nuremberg trial.

I add my testimony to the opposition against MIT. Massachusetts in general has become a vile place and the Christians living there IF there are any, should move to more life affirming states. When I first became aware of the killing that is being done in hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers, I was stunned.
I had the misfortune of working in the operating room as a Reg Nurse and I witnessed as the RN circulator, at the time what I was told was "cleaning up after a spontaneous abortion" that caused THE HOLY SPIRIT to trouble my spirit. I realized after the fact that it was probably an abortion on that unfortunate woman because of the way the surgeon spoke about it, the lack of medical facts that would have supported that claim on the chart, the woman's reaction. I was horrified and I felt betrayed by the place I worked and as if " health care" had become truly evil in some places and in some specialities. The next time such a case was presented I asked point blank questions: is this case an abortion?" The deceit and treachery of those who kill the innocents is another identifying characteristic of the devil, the other being thieving.. John 10:10 is written, JESUS said, 'the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." [King James Holy Bible]

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hillary's hackers still on the job

Hillary Clinton's taxpayer paid hackers are still on the job. I own a domain, [several really] of and I had it forwarded to one of my blogs at My recent entry on that blog criticizes that woman from h!$$ named H Clinton and I have discovered that when I do that, then the internet as far as I am concerned goes haywire. The government machinery via the Pentagon who has the power to "jam computers" with their war machinery and the power of the Congress to suppress the news, kicks in and the government censorship apparatus starts conning the public by underhanded and sneaky tricks through the government controlled Microsoft [via the anti-trust agreement] and Apple through their government contracts with Universities and the US Dept of Education. Last evening while attempting to add a subdomain [that the system would not allow even though its FAQ says it does] it stop forwarding my domain as I set it up to do and started forwarding MY domain to an advertisment for did not undo the forwarding to my blog, and what I did should not have affected the domain itself according to a man who said he was a customer rep from the hosting company. I am reasonably sure that trick was intended to divert traffic from my blog since it is posted as a link in several places. Because I wrote on my blog at words not complimentary to the abominable Mrs Clinton and her traitorous behaviour to the nation of advocating the premeditated killing of as many US citizens in the womb as possible. The words not complimentary to the wicked would also not advance the cause of those who profit from killing human beings in the womb, and that would be a whole cadre of the devils' agents in Congress. { as for recognizing the deeds of the devil and the mission of JESUS to defeat the devil read John 10:10 below}

I always protest those in the US Congress who profit from the premeditated killing of innocents [abortion and biotech]. I especially protest the wicked Clintons since Bill is striving for more government control via the UN. I also protest D DeGette, baby-killer extraordinaire, from Colorado, and the wicked John Kerry and the wicked Ted Kennedy, and the wicked Nancy Pelosi; and all supporters of killing of innocents in the womb as a so-called "right". I protest by writing, speaking, praying for the intervention of GOD HIMSELF to raise up a standard against the wicked.

Now here's the thing: wordpress is located in Massachusetts, state of infamy for its unprecedented evil of attempting to force sodomy on every school child in America, and it is also the state of wicked BIG BIOTECH, that makes millions from the literally raw material of aborted babies and is is also where two of the most notorious and wicked abortion-profiteers call home. The blood of innocents flows freely in Massachusetts. There is more to this. I discovered by reading the news that Joan B Kennedy, of the infamous and wicked Kennedy-baby-killing-machinery* works for the US Dept of Justice** and that her son, Patrick Kennedy is a Congressman. Are you able to spell n-e-p-o-t-i-s-m? Using the Congress to guarantee fat paychecks and cushy pensions to one's ex-wife so the Senator does not have to pay it, should be illegal. Of course that would require REAL change in the laws and the definition of "ethics" in Congress and not just semantics manipulation of definitions. At present judging from the way the rules are applied, I would guess the demoncrats mean that the word ethics means whatever you are able to get away with, as much as you receive under-the-table or by using the laws illegally, or by aliases, or by putting your ex wives in high places, or by hiring your relatives with taxpayer dollars, or by hijacking the words of others or by suppressing information to the public that states the obvious, or by making deals with the devil of $$$$ in exchange for human blood, and human tissues of aborted babies for cosmetics and "d-r-u-gs" [cannabalism]. The word ethics is a spin on the truth from The Bible that stealing, and deceiving is a sin. The spin of course is that if they call it "ethical" then they try to trick public by implying that stealing, corruption, deceit, killing is all right.Some fools believe that what is "legal" in a corrupt nation is acceptable to GOD but that is a lie. That deception of redefining sin by applying the word "ethical" to it, is intended to trick the public into thinking that Congress really did something. It is sort of like when Hitler said as he gassed the JEWS in the Holocaust that his regime was providing the "best solution" to the "problem" of "too-many JEWS". It was a lie and it was intended to deceive [propangandize the nation and the world's people to go along to get along.] The man Goebbels who honed the techniques of propaganda so that when a lie was repeated often enough and in ways that the public associated with the government powers, it became to be accepted by some of the stupid and the wicked as a fact.Goebbels used psychological methods and mass marketing to market the idea that JEWS were inherently evil and must be destroyed for the sake of the "fatherland" of Germany and to protect Germans from their success. Of course, the real reason for the gassing of the JEWS was for Hitler's war machinery, or Hitler personally, to take over their assets and wealth; and to control their influence.

*The Robert Kennedy foundation has been funding Planned Parenthood for decades and has given MILLIONS to the killing of innocents all the while manipulating the US Congress via that man from h!$$ named Ted Kennedy who no doubt has sold his soul to the devil and who gained his career by killing Mary Jo Kopechne.
** Where is the Justice for the preborn humans that are slaughtered daily in baby-killing and processing plants known euphemistically as "biotech"?
John 10:10 is written,JESUS said, but I added the words in the brackets to clarify: ' the thief [who wants to steal GOD's glory and GOD's KINGDOM who is the devil, the anti-Christ] cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I AM that they might have life and have it more abundantly. " John 10:10 King James Holy Bible
For more on this also read my blog at

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just say NO to baby-killing in any form. w/any label

I write on this subject relentlessly and I am never quitting until the premeditated killing of innocent humans is outlawed in this nation and every nation. There is no justification and no benefit to ever be derived from a parent and a person licensed by the state and federal government supposedly for good then turning evil and killing offspring and that is precisely what abortion is. Furthermore, it is child sacrifice which GOD says HE did not ever tell us to do. *
Today I read in the [see link] that Sen Sam Brownback is reintroducing his ungodly bill that summed up is an effort to codify abortion by the backdoor approach. It admits that a preborn human is human and alive and even that such a human will suffer intense pain but then wants to "legalize" the premeditated killing of that wee one. "What's wrong with that picture"? was once the question asked of primary school children. Let me state his bill in other formats and then see if that helps you decide what is right and what is truth: pretend his bill is written, "we acknowledge that JEWS are human, alive and feel pain when brutally murdered, but murder them anyway. "; or how about this? "we in the US acknowledge that blacks are human, alive and feel pain when dismembered, but dismember them anyway"? or how about this, "we in the US acknowledge that the women who profess to be "feminists" as a code word for radical proaborts are human, alive and feel pain when decapitated and dismembered but do that anyway? " The wickedness of such bills is so appalling to me that I think it defies rational comprehension of how anyone could be that stupid! If Sen Sam Brownback is prolifer and could in conscience offer that bill for a law, then his conscience is seared and his mind is reprobate.
Prolifers do not ever give up! Read the article by prolife attorney Nikolas Nikas also in the for today.
*Remember that GOD wrote in stone, 'thou shalt not kill". Exodus 20:13 and JESUS said, "even so it is not the will of your FATHER which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." Matthew 18:14

Saturday, January 20, 2007

New Rules allow Congress to continue the fraud

In the Washington Post yesterday was an article entitled "New Rules Still Allow Congress...Perqs" but it would be better named, the "new rules still allow Congress to defraud their contributors". The examples their article gives is how Congress men used their campaign donations to pay legal fees to represent their defense against corruption and law-breaking, and for paying their wives to transfer money from the campaign fund to their household income. If you ever studied the SEC at any level and/or the IRS rules for when a company's funds are intermingled with the company's Executive's personal account then you know that such activity is widely forbidden in the corporate world. What is wrong with the picture when those in the highest offices in the land, [the US Congress] are held to a lower, bottom of the barrell rung of business acceptable practices and legal behaviours? Putting people on the corporate payroll who actually do no work is not acceptable especially in publicly held businesses that must report to shareholders. Even worst is the notion of paying/ enriching those who corrupt and defraud; yet the Congress's "new rules" don't really stop that long time practice of big money flowing into the lobbyists' hands then flowing into the Congress man or woman's till. Think of H. Clinton and you will get it. She bought TWO houses with money gleaned from where? Slush funds and campaign donations, and then she furnished them by stealing decorative and functional objects from the White House, that belongs to the US Taxpayers as well as the furnishings! Corruption is her game and she has made millions and buys votes with them--not the kind of "president" the US needs or wants.

It is glaringly apparent that the US Congress does not abide by the US Constitution which forbids an alliance with a foreign government since almost every Congressman or woman has traveled abroad to make deals with those in governments other than the US. It is also glaringly apparent that the word "ethics" is a runaround the same set of laws that ordinary citizens are expected to abide by. It is also glaringly apparent that the nation's business is not best served in a football stadium that costs the US a holiday for the Congress which means that the staff and the Congress people got paid for not showing up so a Congressman could attend a football game. What is wrong with that picture? The more you watch what Congress actually does, the more you realize that they are the biggest WASTE of taxpayer money of all. Billions spent to provide a few a lot of travel, a lot of fun, a lot of expensive offices and huge staffs, and a lot of NOTHING honest and godly, accomplished. The States would be better off with the Articles of Confederation instead of a federal government.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Senate bill 1 is BAD, BAD, BAD

I think it is very alarming that the US Senate would even attempt to regulate the First Amendment liberties of US citizens in their Senate bill # 1 for this session of Congress. I think the US citizens should revolt against the US Senate and kick them out of office by military coup if necessary. The Senate Bill and its diabolical provisions in the section 220 that is a blatant, bald-faced attempt at controlling the WORDS of US citizens on any topic, is the worst piece of legislation to come down the pike since the ungodly and evil Roe decision was illegally decided by the unelected "officials/legislators" on the US Supreme Court. Of course,the prolifers recognize the devil when they see or hear him. The provisions in that bill to penalize prolifers with a $200,000 fine or up to 10 years in jail are reminiscent of the Russian KGB and Joseph Stalin. It must not become "illegal " to say or write that it is wrong to kill! It is a communist move to control and regulate how citizens contact other citizens and in what quanitities and in an effort to control what "news" is given to the citizens and by whom. I would also suspect that the powerful mainstream media companies who have made their fortunes as puppets of Planned Parenthood, are also in league with the devil on that bill. IS GOD mocked? I say HE IS NOT mocked, because Galatians 6:7 is written that way. GOD will not be defied and HIS words are "thou shalt not kill" and in so many words, 'thou shalt not sodomize either". {see Leviticus 18:22 and Exodus 20:13]
According to the The US Constitution, it may not be amended except by AMENDMENT and that bill is NOT written as an Amendment to the US Constitution that would require ratification by the people; and thank GOD! Therefore the US Senate can not amend the civil liberties of US Citizens and the First Amendment by declaration of their own ego-gratifying stupidity and evil. To attempt to do so, will subject them to multimillion dollar lawsuits by some enterprising Christian prolife lawyers using the RICO ACT provisions against them for conspiring to control elections and to control the citizens in order to gain money from the killing of innocents. We the citizens are allowed by authority of the First Amendment to write our words or speak our words on any topic at any time to anyone and IF the US Senate opposes that, we as a nation, do NOT need them. Let the wicked flee because they are not taking over! We, the citizens will call or contact our legislators on any topic that concerns us and let the US Senate be dam-ned.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Senate and Pres: Vote no and veto Killing bill,HR 3

The anti-life demoncrats tried to pull a fast one one on the US public but it has not succeeded and thank GOD. The wicked demoncrats voted AGAINST human life by voting to attempt to force US taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocent human embryoes. The vote was 216 demoncrats who want to kill innocents in the womb, and 158 PROLIFE Republicans against the killing of innocents in the womb. That vote that occurred Jan 11th on the so-called "stem cell enhancement Act" by the US House shows the influence of the devil on Nancy Pelosi* wicked "catholic" that she is and her ungodly and awful agenda for the US. The President has vowed to veto the bill if it passes the Senate, and thank GOD!. The Senate is also attempting to prevent the public from getting any information about their plans for voting on this on any other bill as they want to operate in secrecy sort of like the KGB from Soviet Russia's communism regime. The yeas and nays of the US House vote on Jan 11th are published by the Republican National Coalition for Life and thank goodness. Look up how your so-called "Representatives"** voted. I write representatives in quotes because they do not represent the people of the US; but the anti-life "reps" represent the wicked who own the baby-killing and killed-baby-processing plants known as "biotech". The demoncrats are in the pocket of BIG BIOTECH and BIG ABORTUARIES and the sooner the US populations rises up against them,the better.

* Planned Parenthood is of the devil according to the Words of Scripture in John 8:41-44, KJV, and also John 10:10. Also visit the link to see which companies and so-called "charities" to boycott who have given mega bucks to the killing of innocents in the womb in an effort to depopulate the US and aid the enemies of the US.
** In fact,they refuse the title of "representatives' and instead apply the made up name of "members of Congress" to themselves to pretend that they are a member of an elite club and NOT elected representatives of the people of the US.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Vote NO to HR 3=vote no to killing

I am protesting again, the HR [US House Resolution to vote on] numbered 3. HR 3 is bad public policy because it is an effort to force US taxpayers to pay for the killing of human embryoes in the name of "medical research". I am a Reg Nurse of many years and I am telling you that medical research does not justify killing anyone. If you have any doubts about that truth, then research the HOLOCAUST of Germany. I like Germany and I have German ancestry, but what happened there was not right and they are the first to agree on that. In the name of research, Hitler killed and maimed a lot of people including young sets of twins to see if their internal organs were also identical. I am not expert on what happened at the Holocaust, but I read a book entitled The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton, MD, and it literally opened my eyes to the realities of the US, by the parallels it makes of the Abortion Holocaust to the Jewish Holocaust. In both situations, there was a class of human beings relegated to sub-human status by order of the government for the purpose of killing that group, the Jews in the German Holocaust and the preborn humans in the Abortion Holocaust. The US Congress is supposedly voting on whether the forced financial support from taxpayers is a "right" of pseudo-scientists soon. I am telling you that the US Congress should NEVER create any law that condones or allows, or promotes, or encourages or wink-winks at, the killing of innocent human beings. It seems obvious to me that the US is at a crucial crossroads of the nation's history, again debating IF humans are human or property. This debate has happened before in preceding generations. The Dred Scott decision of the US Supreme Court declared black folks as property for the disposal of by the land-owner if so desired, and "owned" by him and completely in his control. The Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation undid that abomination. Then there was the debate about whether American native born Indians were human or property and that was "resolved" by allowing them to occupy territories and be sovereign in their reservations, as different nations from the US. Again the third debate in the US history is about whether humans are human if they reside in a different location [the womb] or if they are tiny and not able to vote [the preborn], or if they have not yet been declared as "human" by the money-skimming legal system though they were acknowledged as human by the medical profession centuries ago. There is an entire medical science that is real science and not junk science on these subjects--two sciences in fact or more. There is obstetrics and labor and delivery that acknowledges the baby in the womb as one of the doctors' patients, and there is human development as a science, and there is genetics that recognizes that each species reproduces itself and only itself as the "law of the species". Therefore a human man and a human woman reproduce a human! It is simple to comprehend even to children. I have heard many small children comment on a pregnant woman and without fail, they say, "there's a baby in there" and point to the pregnant 'belly"/ womb. They are smart enough to know that humans produce human babies and not dogs or cats.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Earthlink is defrauding its long time customer--me

I am writing this from desperation. I am an earthlink customer and I am the only owner of my account--the very same account i have since Jan 03. I have tried numerous times to pay the monthly bill by entering my financial information into their online billing system, typing it directly from my card. Then I receive a fraudulent message from them that says MY info does not match their info! Go figure. That means to me that they have an insider who is immoral and an accomplice to a financial crime working for them. I know my info is correct and I know the money is there and I know what the teller told me. If the teller is not a thief and a liar, then earthlink is, Their motive could only be illegal interference by the US government into my financial matters AGAIN for no reason other than the fact that I Am Christian Republican and prolife; and I oppose those in the US Senate who kill innocents for pay and political gain. The censorship and the illegal interference into financial accounts by the US Senate has to stop.